Tuesday 28 April 2015



What I think of Methodology?
The way I go about approaching a project or problem, the basic theory behind my practice. 

What it actually is
A system of methods used in a particular area of study or activity

When your design process outlines the procedure (pragmatic) that you adhere to when doing design projects, methodology is a critical reflection it aims to integrate these procedures in terms of their effectiveness and suitability for the message and problem. 

Why is methodology important in developing effective graphic design practice?
More efficient research, targeted subjects
Informed method of research to influence a specific problem
Gives final resolutions a depth of understanding and appropriate message
Interrogate and evaluate an idea to adapt and develop it further
Shows progression and sustainability 
Makes you really think about a problem or issue before thinking about solutions 

What should be addressed when considering methodology?
Define the target audiences and the specific problem 

An overview of my Methodology
Having a focused methodology is important when it comes to fully satisfying a problem, I see how I approach design now as a way of solving a problem rather than making things look nice. Every aspect of the design process needs to be considered in relation to solving a specific problem and communicating a specific message, through the investigation and experimentation process I analyze the suitability of; typography, image, color, layout, production methods and design process's. Each one of these elements needs to portray a certain message or meaning to strengthen an overall concept that aims to solve a specific problem or meet a focused target audiences needs.

My focus is on brand identities so how I approach research covers a range of areas as branding in this age isn't just about producing a logo and business card its about carrying a brand identity across multiple touch points. The start of the process involves me investigating the specific problem the resolution im producing is aimed at solving, once this is outlined I can then begin investigating the target market the product or service im branding is aimed at. This brings me onto in-depth considerations into the target audiences; culture, location, gender, personality, an overall persona. Understanding the client and the target audience is one of the most important factors when it comes to outlining the concept and message. 

This then brings me onto the research stage focused on the problem, the initial research into more theoretical research based on culture, history, the future & technology helps me strengthen idea generation that has strong concepts and has potential for sustainability and a good reflection off the target audience's requirements and needs within the idea's I generate. 

When it comes to idea generation I consider multiple angles in terms of how the problem can be solved, this is where the more visual process exploration and ideas comes in. My idea generation has a system that relies on narrowing down from a mass of ideas. These mass of ideas come from reflecting word generation & mindmap's that reflects the target persona and the clients services. I then begin sampling and expanding on certain aspects from each idea that comes from this word generation to produce a strong overall idea that takes into consideration these multiple angles meeting multiple needs of the target audience and the client to create an idea that fully solves a problem.

The development stage as mentioned is an exploration and synthesis of theory and visual considerations when it comes to communicating a specific message and including over arching concepts and thoughts relevant to the target audience and the clients services, a decision on touchpoint's needs to be considered at first. How the idea can be distributed to the audience and analyzing the most effective methods that will resonate best with them as well as reflecting and visualizing the main concept and idea in the most efficient and clear way while still considering sustainability and durability. The collateral propositions need to last and not need a refresh after a few months or years 

The final stages within the process is the finalization and production stage, I take into consideration the idea of medium is message quite seriously, the use of typography, color, image, and layout has already took forward strong consideration when it comes to reflecting a specific problem, issue or message. Now I decide through exploration and analysis of production methods, process's, finishes and materials a relevant focused direction that not only reflects the whole concept but ties every individual aspect and thought consideration throughout the whole design journey together. An expansion of the considerations of aspects like typeface choice that begin to look into ethical concerns, environmental concerns, sustainability and social impact. For example the use of vegetable inks and recycled papers to the use of digital mediums and modern print process's like lenticular printing and glow in the dark inks. All process's, production methods and design principles has its specific benefits for communicating a specific message. 

Review Responsive & Design Production feedback
Keep pushing primary and secondary research, its really helping synthesize informed ideas. Visits especially inform my practice lately, I take a multi discipline approach to my practice so learning from a range of practice ranging from sculpture to fine art will inform this deeper understanding. Over the summer and through this module I I will carry out some theory based research and readings into studios like Snask's journey. This will inform my practice some more. 

Expand on my conceptual approach with an informed direction coming from thorough problem analysis and consideration to target audiences and purpose of the message and resolution. 

I want to push more contemporary approaches to design production, looking into more future oriented use of production, process's, materials, use of color and specifically begin to think about more contemporary layout and typography design. Through the summer I will begin to explore these aspects through reading and lots of personal experiments creating a documentation on my blog. I appreciate tradition but more future oriented design and production is a new interest of mine and is relevant to creating sustainable brand identities.

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