Thursday 21 May 2015

OUGD505 Module Evaluation

OUGD505 Module Evaluation 

What Skills have I developed through this module and how effectively did I apply them?
My research skills have developed a lot during this module, expanding on problem analysis and considering initial ides before generating research specifically aimed at solving a defined problem for a defined persona. This has allowed me too look at sources further a field to gather a wider range of influence that covers culture, heritage, technology, ethical boundaries to influence stronger concepts. In terms of sources I used to limit myself to design blogs but looking into more theoretical and meaningful sources from books, news sites and websites I have began to research specific subjects that dont directly link to creativity wich in turn helps influence stronger ideas aimed at actually meeting a purpose of doing good. Something I looked at and is important within my brand identity focus. 

Strong concepts have continued to be applied throughout all briefs, allowing lots of potential for exploration within visual decisions. I have applied these very effectively turning quite complex concepts into well presented and concisely communicated outcomes. 

What approaches & methods of design principles, production and concepts have I developed and how have they informed my development process?
I have explored my exploration into publication design, not typical publication design though using more conceptual formats to place the structure of the outcomes within a strong concept aimed at solving a specific issue, every design decision has been well informed.  

Consideration of material and production method has been developed to strengthen message presentations, the use of arco clips for example been a strong final addition to a defined concept, its the little finishing details that take standard design to a different level. 

My whole aesthetic is beginning to change, I used to be quite safe in the approach to my aesthetics and how they reflected concepts. Minimal structured design with minimal application of type and image, I have began to take a more abstract approach as theres a lot more potential for exploring more ideas this way. 

Use of typography has expanded into a more experimental approach, type as a contextual way of carrying message is very strong so applying abstract messages to this design principle has allowed more exploration and better developed outcomes. 

What strengths where obvious within my work and how can I expand on these?
Been more experimental in my approach has benefited my practice a great deal and is something that will be expanded on over the summer, experimental design incorporated with modern and traditional techniques or a combination of the both can create interesting outcomes that explore and reflect a number of ideas and multiple messages within one outcome. 

Weaknesses and what  would I do differently next time and what can I gain from doing this?
Although not a weakness a personal event came up a few eek before hand in which killed my motivation and in turn ruined my time management resulting in me not carrying out a lot of the proposals I outlines within the idea generation stages. 

Time management and delegation of tasks will be improved next time, allowing me to expand on the experimental approach I want to take as it isn't as simple as just applying type to a grid system, theres physical involvement and I feel this analogue approach with the extension of technological innovation has lots of room for presenting message in abstract and more unique ways. Breaking out of the mould will be my aim next year and through summer exploration. 

Attendance = 4
Punctuality = 3
Motivation = 3
Commitment =  3
Quantity of work produced = 3
Quality of work produced = 3
Contribution to the group = 4

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