Friday 13 December 2013

Calendar research interim crit

Calendar research interim crit 

Had the interim crit today and asked basic questions on what the class thought of my proposal brief. The feedback received provided some good areas to look into but the one I am really interested in combining with my original proposals is Lunar calendars, crop cycle calendars and astronomy calendars. It was also said to look into elements of moving parts which links in nicely with one of the subcategories of sports calendar and mad me think i could include my interest in F1 into the project. 

After a quick discussion with John he is going to provide me with some good past examples of branding and work carried out within the F1 sector. So at current I feel looking into F1 and how it changed over different Eras ranging from the 50s to now. This is one element I could really get interested into and it does meet the concepts of calendars still because I can look into significant race events in the season calendar? or 100 significant events that changed the F1 industry and place them in a visual timeline maybe? There are many different aspects of F1 I could look into that could link to different Eras, for example car engineering, livery design and sponsorships. 

But as mentioned I am still going to look into the Lunar aspect and see if I can find anything interesting within this category  that can link with my F1 idea as this will provide a more engaging project for me personally. I will still be using the same research methods to cover primary and secondary sources and gathering other peoples opinions were possible, physical collection of research will also be important.

The 100 significant events aspect within F1 derives from some feedback that suggested I look into making a life calendar based on my life and significant events within it.

To do list
Research Lunar calendar (Research)
Research historical events in F1 (Historical research) 
Research significant events in F1 (Historical research)
Facts about F1 (Factual)
Keep with idea of weather statistics through the year and how it effects F1 (Statistics)  
Gather imagery of cars through eras ranging from the 50's to now (Image sector) 
Gather imagery of other aspects within F1 e.g. helmets. (Image sector)
Look into race event calendars (Current research)
Gather peoples thoughts on the F1 and highlight significant words produce mind maps from these maybe (Word gathering)

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