Tuesday 9 December 2014

Augmented Design seminar & Study task 12

Augmented Design seminar 

Questions to consider:
What is the potential of interactivity in print for support & promotion of my website?
Depending on the purpose of the products been produced interactivity can enhance a concept idea and receive positive reactions from the intended target audience, there are two main types of interactivity within augmentation. Digitial/Augmented reality or more physical augmentations and interactions. Its important to consider the target audience the most here when deciding the format and style of the augmentation. For my purposes interactivity within my print outputs could benefit from digital or more physical print interactions. 

There are 2 main potential persona's who would be viewing the website and the purpose the interactive campaign would be either to extend on the focus of high quality images with concise limited textual explanations for the target audience who is after more "eye candy" and already has knowledge of technical & contextual aspects of areas of Japanese motorsport.


Inform a persona who either isn't clued up on areas of Japanese Motorsport events and the engineering side of the cars used, or they want to advance there initial basic knowledge on the more technical aspects of things like engineering. 

Both digital and physical augmentation through experimentation with production methods, process's and materials can be potentially used here to reach out to the 2 main target person's. They should able to work in conjunction with each other or support each other through separate products & collateral. 

Can augmented design help draw people to your website?
In terms of an advertising campaign I don't think theres much potential for actual promotion to the website, I see the material as more of a supporting campaign to work alongside the website as the main concept of the website was a main focus of high quality imagery and concise and limited text. I feel physical products within the augmented campaign will help provide a more tactile vehicle of expressing Japanese engineering, traditional Japanese production methods & use of materials with a main focus on the image content and concise precise textual elements. In terms of drawing people in I think the physical material will be a sort of stepping stone 

Is it at all just a bit gimmicky? Or, are there opportunities?
Theres potential for things to be gimmicky within the more digital augmentation sector, the Layar digital interactions are all very clever and have potential uses for some campaigns but for mine I feel the only interaction I could have that would work with my automotive campaign would be for the static images to begin moving. But the idea of the website was to focus on moving image so I feel it would make the tactile and high end physical materials feel a little cheap with these type of interactions. 

I suppose one benefit of it would be to provide opportunity to place in links to the website within the physical products layouts and aesthetics but again I think this could make everything feel a little cheap and tacky. 

Aurasma uses the same technologies for making static image move through a digital vehicle like a smart phone, only problem here is that I don't see my target audience a type of persona that would appreciate these kind of interactions and would find it very gimmicky. Not to mention a lot of them won't have the latest smart phones, this is why I focused the desktop website around a user that viewed average size computer screens. 

What kind of interactivity would be effective for my campaign?
Physical Augmentation will help achieve a nice tactile connection with aspects of Japanese engineering and traditional Japanese production methods & materials. This would appeal to the persona who wants to see high quality image/eye candy who already are clued up on technical and contextual aspects of Japanese Motorsport and engineering. This tactile connection would help strengthen the focus on the precision within Japanese engineering as mentioned previous, as well as exploring and connecting with traditional Japanese production methods and materials. 

Digital interaction would work for the persona that wants to educate themselves or expand on there further knowledge points, rather than moving image been the interactive point form static images I think if the user could hover there phone across different sectors of the page further explanatory points on technical aspects or contextual aspects would be viewed. 

A sort of digital top trumps that interacts with each car would be cool, showing vital statistics like speed, braking , grip levels. 

This could be operated by initially hovering the phone over the static image and having points highlighted where available information is available to be viewed. 

Forza Motorsport a game I have has a very good system like this that allows the player to view around the car with a voice over explaining things like the engine from Top Gear's Jeremy Clarkson & an automated voiceover. This is the kind of idea I want to potential play around with with potential digital augmentation. 

Limitations of digital augmentations:
Mainly requires a smart phone and a downloadable app for these interactions to be experiences, instant loss of a customer base when the target audience doesn't have a modern smart phone. 
Internet connection needed for apps and interactions that require connectivity. In galleries signal is often a problem so interactive work in art galleries would be a problem here.
Augmentation of static image to moving image seems a little gimmicky and ruins the whole tactile feel and accuracy and pleasing aesthetic of influence from Japanese engineering. 


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