Friday 5 December 2014

Initial rationale for Augmented design brief (Subject to change) - Study task 11

Initial rationale for Augmented design brief (Subject to change)

Here is my project rationale, as it is only the start of initial investigation for this brief this will most likely be adapted to suit further initial research carried out in the first stages of my design process.  

The project rationale will include considerations on:
The purpose/reason of the campaign, what am I doing and why?
Tone of voice
Materials & Process's to explore
Budget considerations for commercial production & in-college production
Placement & Distribution of material 
Must do's & must not do
Time frame I want to complete various stages of project in

The main purpose of this brief is to expand on the website I have made, I want to keep the current focus on high quality imagery through the campaign to keep the needs met of the Automotive/motorsport target audience. The main outcome I want to achieve through the completion of the campaign is to promote Japanese motorsport to new audiences but keeping familiarity to current fans. I want the campaign to work alongside, support and strengthen the current content I have within the website and the concept idea behind it. 

The main focus for the website was high quality, large images with minimal distraction from visual and textual elements. Keeping this image focus is important, but for this campaign I want to concentrate on:
Technical aspects of Japanese engineering.
The angles and geometry that I can take forward from the motion of a drifting car. 
Representing the race against a clock from the main concept of TA. 
The use of physical print material's will support factors like the Technical aspects of Japanese engineering, this technical innovation can be explored through physical production methods, use of materials and process's to emulate these factors through tactile products that have incredible attention to detail through all the process's. 
The other 2 factors can be explored through more conceptual idea generation and layout & aesthetic experimentation. 

The tone of voice needs to be informative and technical, taking into consideration the end user will either be a new potential fan or a current fan of Japanese motorsport there needs to be an equal balance of informative aspects (with a focus on educating new fans to this automotive area) & technical aspects (providing satisfaction of the end user that already has an interest in the sport and wants to see the more technical side of sectors of Japanese motorsport). 

Something that isn't settled at current is the format, I know I will be experimenting with physical print methods and exploration of materials & process's and as mentioned at the end of the website brief I know I definitely want to create some sort of photo book to represent my high quality images. Through this physical material I will able to exploit high quality print methods to support these high quality images while maintaining a tactile feel to the final product. The other formats I will explore will be more typical of an advertising campaign, posters, leaflets, signage, billboards (interactive & static), flags, T-shirts etc.I will explore potential augmented design ideas within these outcomes. 

Experimentation with Materials and processes' will be heavily influenced and relevant to the overall concept I think of through the upcoming idea generation stage, but one consideration that will keep relevant with the whole Japanese theme is to look into the crafts & techniques used by the Japanese. Contemporary and past methods & process's will be explored. Digital print is the obvious method for achieving superior quality for the images, combining this with more traditional process's like letterpress and screen print would be cool though to bring modern and historic techniques together. 

Placement & distribution of the materials would be in Motorsport merchandise shops at motorsport events & race tracks. Stalls at car shows. The photo book could placed in specialist book shops. Signage material like flags and banners would be placed in context of large car shows and events, due to large costs to produce large material like this Its important it gets seen by lots of people. General promotion material (posters, flyers etc) can be placed in car repair garages, car showrooms & at shops that sell car parts. 

An Obvious limitation at this point is the digital interaction with print media, actually carrying this out successfully will be difficult to achieve due to limited experience with digital interface design. But il make sure I have a good go and still consider achievable outcomes through the development stages, if I can't physically produce the outcome il make sure to create an accurate simulation. 

I don't really have many limitations when it comes to production methods and budget, the college has excellent facilities that I need to make sure I explore due to the heavily reduced costs I can be experimental with the techniques and process's I use. But throughout the whole project I need to constantly evaluate the achievability and realism of every decision I make based around commercial production. Taking into account costs of materials and process's along with quantity of material produced all need to be evaluated throughout. Also prepare all work (digital print or traditional print or things like laser cut ready for handing over to a commercial/outsourced printer. 

Plan to work from
Based on a 3 week plan I want to split the project up into main stages. 

1st Week
2 Days solid visual and conceptual research. (Include augmented design, interactive print and general advertising campaigns)
3 Days idea generation (1 day word based, 2 days at least 50 visual scamps) 
1 Day to develop on 10 scamps. Present & Receive feedback.
1 Day to react on this feedback and chose a final concept idea and plan of action for developing a full campaign from. 

2nd Week
2 Day for more informed research to support main campaign idea. (1 day general further research, 1 day look deeper into augmented design and interactive print)
5 Days spent solid design and development. Considering what materials & process's I want to experiment with, maybe make proof's at this stage deciding what work's best. 

3rd Week
Through this week I will be experimenting with potential print, material and production process's. These techniques to explore will have already been decided and designs refined specially for these methods. 

4th Week
This will be the final week before the module hand in, I want to find time to professionally photograph all the material and create a professional presentation of the interactive print campaign & Tsukuba Motorsport website. 

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