Friday 30 January 2015

Concept Ideas to develop and refine on.

Concept Ideas to develop and refine on.

Influenced by past research into heritage, iconic events and personal memories of Tingley I have created some concept Ideas to work from with underlying inspiration from the visual research I have gathered, placing key elements into contextual ideas. 

Idea 1
Create individually designed letterforms for the location name Tingley. Each letterform will take aesthetic influence from Iconic events and heritage/history:
Lee Gap Fair
Coal & Wool industry 
Halifax Bomber crash
Radio Aire Mast 
David Battye Football player (England & Leeds caps) coming from Tingley Athletic 
Tingley Reservoir 
Alien Abduction 

All these elements have sufficient milage for experimentation with color and illustration. 
Possible formats and placement of these letterforms at current could be within:
Physical 3D outcomes
Print & Brand Collateral 
Analogue/Hand drawn 
Idea 2
Use Maps to create pattern & icons to create custom header typography as a visual focus and vessel for application of informed color taken from heritage and ionic events. 

Or use these patterns influenced by Maps of tingley to create abstract patterns as a medium for carrying color/

Possible placements at the moment:
Books & Editorial 

Idea 3
Create Images or typography influenced by Iconic buildings and areas of Tingley from first hand source images, simplified down using shape and pattern so color can be boldly and effectively applied.

Possible placements:
3D Sculptures (Paper craft)
Digital drawings 
Analogue Drawings

Idea 4
Create a Crest/Coat of arms for Tingley using heritage and iconic events as influence.

Refined Idea & Concept
The use of pattern and shape is a good way to emulate iconic events and heritage, but the complexity of some of these ideas like the crest idea involved too much detail to include all events and heritage into the visualisation. This complexity will draw focus away from the real focus, the colour and how it emulates Tingley and these events.  

The new idea will take aspects from all these ideas into a more stripped back output.

The format will make use of some sort of publication, this allows everything to be contained into a product that acts as a visual reference as well as a guide or a timeline of all these events, ideas were considered for brand collateral but theres no really point in producing things like letterheads and signage to represent a location concepts get confusion and focus on colour is lost. 

The idea now is to create a book that is influenced by ideas of Heritage, Iconic Events, Maps and Buildings that show history, location and iconic recognition of Tingley both contemporary and past.

Stripped back pattern and shape will be used to emulate and visualise these aspects with a short piece of supporting text on each spread to contextualise the content. This basic text would inform a target audience who didn't have knowledge of the location while providing a clearer understanding of the visuals presented to them. 

All these concepts should provoke interest into Tingley from a target audience who has no prior knowledge, through an informative and concise tone of voice. While sparking memories, feelings of nostalgia and pride from existing residents or past residents through recognition of concepts through effective and well communicated color and image that resonates and connects with them on a personal level. 

The next stage is to begin thumb-nailing rough scamps for each concept ideas, focusing down on this specific idea to further develop on taking key components from all the scamps and rough ideas to refine down to one concise and well informed idea with a plan for visuals.

Focus on how color will be used to strengthen the visuals as well as considering the mood and tone of voice of the events and how color can help interpret these. 

Shades and tints could be used to simulate a visual timeline. 

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