Saturday 22 November 2014

Pantone - Reimagine your hometown through the language of color -Potential starting base points & idea's

Pantone - Reimagine your hometown through the language of color - Potential starting base points & idea's

Looking over my contextual research on facts & figures on Tingley and my visual research I have outlined key directions that could come from these and spark a number of potential starting points and ideas to work from for "reimagining my home town through color"

Informing myself on as many possible factors that need to be considered will help me think of a more considered and precise direction for when it comes to the idea generation and selection stage.

Potential points to spark ideas & concept's
Possible outcomes in terms of use of visual content:
  • Strong use of image through the interaction of color.
  • Strong use & focus on typography within the use and interaction of color.
  • Or a combination of the both in equal proportions or subtle additions (e.g. subtle type addition on image focused design outcomes)

Possible tone of voice:

Based on the contextual research and the contrast of the historic and factual based research and mine and friends memories of Tingley I feel theres 2 potential tone of voices in terms of how the contextual research is used to create a final outcome. 

  • Playful, fun & lighthearted
  • Informative & serious
Materials, Process's & media outcomes:
Based on research pointing to the obvious fact that medium is message, the production method and media/medium can strengthen and work alongside a concept idea. It needs to be relevant to the idea.
  • Physical 3D craft based outcomes
  • Print media
  • Digital media & motion graphics
What are my intentions for the outcome I create:
Its important to consider what Im wanting to achieve in terms of audience reaction and what I want them to get from the outcome I create. (This links with tone of voice, both help each other out)
  • Am I persuading people to visit Tingley?
  • Informing them and educating them on iconic facts & history of Tingley?
  • Entertaining them through engaging and informal media presentation
  • Am I wanting to provoke reaction; feelings of nostalgia, happiness, sadness (missing there hometown), humor 
  • Delivering instructions 
  • Delivering directions 
To establish & consider all these points I need to first consider the persona and target audience based on age range mainly as there familiarity to my childhood memories will differ if I chose to base the outcome around a visualization of these memories or if I chose to be more informative and factual based wich will suit a more broader audience as its more informative rather than provoking memories and been entertaining. 

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