Monday 3 November 2014

Competition brief definite choices

Competition brief definite choices

I have come to the conclusion of 4 definite brief choices as Im waiting for D&AD briefs to be announced as I definitely want to do at least one of these briefs, this is just a quick explanation about why I chose and what I want to achieve from doing these briefs in terms of physical work and things like recognition. Not an introduction & in-depth analyze of the brief. 

YCN - Fedrigoni - March 19th Deadline 
  • Open brief in terms of what I produce to fulfill the clients requirements. 
  • Lots of creative experimentation opportunity
  • Can focus on print based outcomes, a specialist area I like producing work within. 
  • Creative/Graphic Design target audience allows me lots of creative freedom and conceptual ideas as they will understand & appreciate different aesthetics and ideas more. 
  • Allowance for production technique, process & material experimentation 
  • I could produce a lot of collateral for the brief, producing lots of physical outcomes allowing me to explore different design area's (editorial design/book design, print's, digital & analogue image/type techniques)
  • Good recognition within the creative industry. 
YCN - Taylors Coffee - March 19th Deadline
  • I wanted to produce work for the Food & Drink industry and love Coffee so this one seems a good idea. 
  • Opportunity to learn and develop new techniques in 3D design and package design. 
  • Allows me to produce an entirely new product, product innovation while producing design work to support this product. 
  • Theres lots of potential for project extension, doesn't have to be limited to creating a coffee product and it's packaging I could create a campaign to go alongside it for my own personal portfolio. 
  • Lots of potential of exploring digital and analogue image and type making techniques, I like an analogue approach where possible but find it hard to adjust it to my projects at the moment so this is something I look forward too. 
  • The target audience the brief is aimed at is specific to my age range making it more relevant to me. 
  • YCN awards give good recognition within the industry. 

Penguin Design Award - Freakonomics by Steven D - 11th March Deadline
  • Suits my print based outcome speciality at current.
  • The design solution needs to be very target audience oriented. This gives me work in my portfolio that has very specific aims in its communication method. 
  • I wanted to produce work that had meaning, this book address's real word issues both on a political, social and cultural level giving my work some context and meaning while also putting these aspects into a visual representation. 
  • The work needs to make an impact, I chose this brief for the methods of creation I can explore to make an impact, they want strong use of typography, I have past experience's with typography design so looking into make an impact through type & analogue type is what drew me to this brief. 
  • The brief allows me to create more contemporary aesthetics wich is my preferred outcome style. 
  • Theres potential for a placement within Penguin Books wich would be a good introduction and foot in the door into the editorial and publication sector of the creative industry. 

RSA - Human by nature or Fair Play (Need to chose one) - 4th March Deadline 
  • The briefs RSA offer as a whole allow me to create more conceptual work so this is the main reason for picking the site as a whole.
  • The projects also have positive ethics behind them, these two potential briefs both share this positivity.
  • Fair Play has concerns for the environment & recycling giving me the opportunity to consider different methods of materials and process's to create work that is environmentally friendly giving my work ethical appeal. 
  • Human By Nature is a brief that want to highlight health and wellbeing, I wanted to avoid doing briefs that focused on promoting products that didn't have any real benefit like alcohol, I have a current interest of health and fitness so this brief fits a fair few of my personal considerations. 
  • The human by nature brief also wants to focus on the future of the human body and planet again giving it a positive ethical focus. 
  • Creating something scientific for the Human By Nature brief is refreshing for me as I have quite a technical approach to my design process so this scientific approach appeals to me.  
  • The Fair Play brief allows me to be quite playful, taking the seriousness off these competitions making
  • The fact that the outcomes I could produce can be anything I see relevant gives me lots of creative scope to develop and experiment to produce a well considered final outcome that could take shape of anything from a re-brand to a whole digital interactive app. Lots of potential exploration to further my skill set.
  • Both briefs have potential for paid internships giving me a foot in the door for potential future employment along with cash prizes which is a bonus.

D&AD - Pantone - 31st March Deadline
  • The D&AD briefs have international recognition within the design industry providing me with invaluable recognition within he industry if my work is chosen within the various new blood awards.
  • I like the opportunity within this brief to visualize a sense of heritage of my hometown through a contemporary medium like use of color. 
  • Opportunity to be quite illustrative and high impact in aesthetics, something different to the rest of the briefs I have chose which are more conceptual, here the message and final output is pretty specific so I can be experimental with media and methods of presenting this message.
  • Quite an open brief giving lots of creative opportunity. 
  • Can express an image through the use of majority color and image giving my portfolio work a broad range of outcomes, branding, typographic work, digital work, illustrative, conceptual and ethical work etc giving me a broader scope for potential employment.

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