Saturday 22 November 2014

Pantone - Reimagine your hometown through the language of color - Initial Idea generation

Pantone - Reimagine your hometown through the language of color - Initial Idea generation

I began generating some ideas taking into account previous considerations of all underlying factors to help spark initial ideas in the previous blog post. 

Main ideas I took from these rough notes
From these rough notes I took a few main ideas and reinterpreted them into more concise and precise explanations to develop further on and receive feedback on to aid development. 
  • Create a timeline of how Tingley was back in the middle ages showing its progression to how it is now and reimagining it in the future based on an ideal Tingley how I would like it to be or how I would have liked it to be when I was a child, a sort of playground for me. This meets both target audiences allowing a sense of nostalgia to be presented through visualization of iconic childhood events (inspired by mine and friends) as well as informative and explanatory aspects been communicated through the historical and factual time line. Possible solutions for this at this time is a motion graphic with strong use of imagery and explanatory text where needed, each stage of the time line i.e. more historic events will be communicated through a set colour scheme. 
  • Create a brand image for Tingley, producing collateral and stationery inspired by iconic aspects of Tingley, locations, historic events, and basing the color schemes around either a color that communicates the character of Tingley as a whole or take colors from all the iconic history and facts of Tingley and produce a color scheme from this. 
  • Highlight all the iconic elements in Tingley both historic and current into a visual representation with relevant color use that helps communicate them, create stripped down and basic visual representations of these elements (inspired by how the Norway bank notes are pixelated version of coastline photos), from these basic shapes animations can be created or the shapes and imagery dismantled and typography created. Possible production methods for this would be to produce print material using the shapes, typography & interaction of color a focus, produce 3D physical shapes or typography from this using a variety of materials and colors that clearly communicate iconic aspects, memories, locations and events (deriving from research)

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