Wednesday 29 October 2014

User Experience Design Seminar - Study Task 7

User Experience Design Seminar

User Experience can be considered within most user interaction products or services like websites, phones, and everyday items like hand dryers. 

"Experience" Not just "usability" 

"The role a product plays in a persons life" 

How does the product benefit the users everyday life, help aid everyday tasks.

Emotional satisfaction, users reaction of the product. 

Branding, identity of the company or organization that provides the product or service. Belief in the company through this is achieved through branding the company image. 

What is good user experience? 

More efficient it is at doing its job, time saving. 

Aesthetic, trend, fashion accessory. Influenced by a consumerist culture. 


Simplicity, easy to use interactions. 



Personal to you, customizable and systems that fit your everyday life. 

iTunes & Windows media players.
iTunes is used even on windows operating system showing its acceptance of a default music player throughout the majority of society. 

Google chrome, safari, windows explorer. 
Google showing their popularity within all target markets of new media with there user friendly browser's with cross platform interactions between email, search engine, social media, cloud storage etc giving people instant access to the most important elements of there new media routines. 

Consider Garrets model of User Experience Design (UXD) to the function of my website concept. 

User Needs/Site objectives: 
To inform people on the history and aspect of Time attack and Drift while providing informative guides on how to get into the sport. Also a large body of media to be communicated in an easy to view way. 

Functional specifications/Content requirements:
Image and Video for content along with supporting informative text. Functional specifications, fitting to the target market I want to present a large body of images with short amounts of supporting text as the user is interested in viewing media not reading text so the use of text needs to be concise and easily communicated. 

Texts context are history based, informative language on what the sports are about, guides on how to get into the sport through explanatory language and use of image. 

Interaction Design/Information Architecture/Navigation Design:
Site map - Homepage > About Drift (History text, images), About Time Attack (History text, images), How to get into Time Attack (Guide, informative information, images), How to get into Drift (Guide, informative information, images), Media page (Videos and Image heavy)

Continuous scrolling page, long and thin page. 

Visual Design: 
Aesthetics: Bright colors with pastel tones. Bright to communicate typical connotations of racing. 
Simple, clean, structured layouts to present image media's clearly for the end user to receive in the simplest way. 
Interactivity within images, easy navigation of image libraries through click and selecting. 

UXD Methods 
User research:
Real life user research - goals of particular user groups, attitudes and behaviors while completing goals. 
Observations, questionnaires. 

Documents that describe a user type based on research. Personas describe a specific person who acts as an exemplar of particular task. 

Photos - in action.
Key goals - do they have a specific task to complete quickly? 
Behaviors - what motivates them to use it? Feelings when using it? (Annoyed, frustrated), Do they have lots of spare time? What influences there choices? What puts them off?
"Must do's" and "Must nevers" 

Content strategy:
Based on user research, persona, documents as well as the overall brand/project strategies. What is the necessary content? Hierarchy? What content reflects brand identity? Use data? 

Task Models/Task Flows/User Journeys:
Example of thought process behind target audience and their interaction with there product/service. 

Architecture of the site/How it works

A/B Testing
Method of testing a validation of a system against the existing system. Good for rebranding and revitalizing websites and other medias. 

Persona for my website
To help me understand my target audience I created a persona to follow for the whole website concept to make it specifically targeted to my audience. 

Key goals:
Wants to browse racing & automotive images. 
Wants lots of images.
Enjoys looking at the engineering aspect in image formats.  
Has an interest in getting into racing and drifting. 
Wants familiarity to automotive aspects. 

Gets bored of text describing images would just rather view the image. 
Has little knowledge on engineering and wants to learn about it but gets bored with lots of confusing text. 
People who have knowledge on engineering get fed up of reading information they already know. 
Gets annoyed by long wait times and when they can't find the information/media they want. 

We must:
Be concise, precise and informative in language. Use minimal easily communicated text to get the message across in an easy to understand way to people who have no knowledge on the media they are viewing. Also avoids boring people who aren't interested/already know about the contextual side of the images presented to them.
Present images and information in a clear way. 
Easy navigational site system. 
Connote typical automotive and racing elements through color, type and aesthetics. 
Achieve instant recognition of automative and racing aspects through website concept and aesthetics.

Must not:
Cause confusion. 
Bore people. 
Have long load times. 

Task flow/User Flow for my website 
Basic idea of the user flow of my website, more of a casual browsing through the image strong content so they generally would just flick through the 5 sites loosely so a smooth navigation between these pages is important. 

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