Thursday 16 October 2014

Responsive Module - Individual Practice Studio Brief 1 Intro, Initial thought & Plan of action

Responsive Module - Individual Practice Studio Brief 1 Intro, Initial thought & Plan of action

Today we got briefed on the Responsive module. A module thats going to benefit us the most in getting externally recognized creating work that appears in the public domain through competitions or freelance work opportunities.

Studio Brief
Using the list of websites provided below, identify and respond to a range of competition briefs that reflect your emerging creative interests and professional ambitions within Graphic Design. You will need to select one main brief that will become the focus of the taught sessions and studio workshops for the duration of this brief.In addition to this you will need to select a number of smaller/quicker briefs that will allow you to demonstrate your ability to develop effective responses within professionally realistic deadlines.

Background & Considerations 
When selecting and responding to briefs you will need to consider the following:
  • How do you balance what you want to do, design or produce with what the brief or client requires?
  • Do the briefs offer enough breadth and scope for the development of a range of responses while at the same time allowing you to focus your practice?
  • What are the realistic timescales for completing the brief? Are you working to these?
  • Have you clearly identified what the problem is before you start?
  • Where is the challenge in the brief and what will you get out of doing it?
  • What do you need to present and how wil you present it?
These questions should underpin the decisions that you make and will form the basis of your studio workshops and be reflected in your initial tutorials

Further to this, your final submission will need to draw together a range of work and present it in a way that it is viewed as a whole.
  • How will you achieve this? 
  • What work do you put in and what do you leave out?
  • How does it work in conjunction with the developmental work, etc that is visible on your blog?
  • How will you summarise and explain your body of work through both visual and written material?
  • How can you describe some of the complex processes involved in reaching a final concept and discuss its wider implications?
Mandatory requirements & deliverables
You will need to meet any mandatory requirements specified on individual briefs.

In addition to the submission requirements for the briefs you will need to evidence the research, development and production of your resolutions.

Your work should be documented through regular labelled posts to your Design Practice Blog.

For submission and assessment you will need to present a summary of the development and resolution of each brief on A2 presentation boards (submitted via pdf on your Design Practice Blog.)

Deliverables will be outlined on the competition briefs.

You are also required to document your rationale as part of your submission. Effectively this will involve embedding a detailed project report within the work itself so that visual submissions are supported by a solid overview of your developed concepts alongside an explanation of your process and your thinking.


Initial thoughts, Requirements & Plan of action
Although a focus isn't made on presenting the design process and development stages of the project, I am still going to carry out my typical design process and record it on my blog to show considered decisions to arrive at a final product.

Carry on investigating primary and secondary research sources to gain a good body of inspiration to fully develop a well informed concept idea and visual outcome. Take into account how the research will help influence the work in conjunction with social elements, cultural elements as well as a personal critical analyses of these inspiration sources (What I like about it, aesthetics, concept, how it could help spark ideas etc)

Usual constant development, documentation, reflection and further development of ideas to achieve a considered and innovative final design outcome.

Lots of experimentation, really exhaust an idea when trying out concept ideas, visual ideas, materials & process's while constantly reflecting and developing these stages to fully fit the purpose of the design outcome I am aiming towards. 

Lots of consideration when analyzing the initial problem at the start of a brief, fully analyze the brief to understand the client/competition requirements before thinking of methods and concepts to fulfill it.

Time management will be important to balance all the different deadlines of these external briefs while keeping track of the overall module deadline on 26th March 2pm. 

Explore lots of different approaches to tackling a problem, make them very well informed and easily and understandably communicated in the final outcome. Hard to understand concepts is something I need to avoid the message needs to be clear. 

Working alone and in conjunction with peers will be important, outlining group members key skills to make the most of each others specialties with create a more developed final outcome. 

The main focus of this whole module is to get me externally recognized so linking this with PPP and considering the professional side of things when finalizing work and presenting the individual brief requirements for the client or competition is important. 

Like PPP its a chance to get noticed for future employment through the route of recognition through competitions like YCN and D&AD.

A consideration on design boards is important, what aspects do I fetch from my overall complex blogging of my design stages into these design boards that provide a detailed overview of the most important decisions that have gone into my final design? Needs to be precise and clearly communicated.

Its important to check terms and conditions on client/competition briefs so I don't catch myself out in any legalities.

The work I am creating is going to benefit my portfolio more than internal college set briefs so creating them to as high standard as I can is just the start, professional presentation of them is equally important to make them ready for portfolio presentation. Considered photographing and final idea presentation is important here 

Plan of action
We need to select 5 live briefs to carry out under this module but before we select these we need to get signed up and look at a number of website resources that host competitions.

Graphic Competitions
99 Designs
Design Contests 
Royal Mint competition 
Penguin Design Awards
RSA Student Design Awards
Starpack Student Awards
The Rose Student Awards

The above are a number of resources to look at first to see what briefs are out there that could fit my specialties or gain me external recognition. Prize money is nice but is short lived so looking on the long term more external recognition would be more beneficial, so a balance of the 2 is needed when considering briefs. 

Sign Up to D&AD, YCN and ISTD and any other competition resources that catch my eye. 

Choose 5 briefs that will motivate me to produce good work from. One of these briefs will be a main brief to focus most of my attention on through studio sessions and workshops so consider the workload/timescale and potential benefits I can gain from winning the brief. 

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