Tuesday 7 October 2014

Final & Evaluation

Final & Evaluation

The concept idea for the final outcome I created was a visual representation of how something appears simplistic from the outset and is often viewed by onlookers as unconsidered minimalist design with no real thought behind it. But infact it is made up of complex design stages to arrive at this final outcome. 

The product I created makes use of 3 primary coloured paper stocks that represent the 3 main areas of the design stage (Research, Development & Final), bold and contrasting linear lines make up an abstract interesting aesthetic working with the shapes of the physical construction while creating a series of coloured triangles and squares that represent the more detailed design stages explained in a colour co-ordinated key. The square representing the final stage, the use of a square shows how the triangles/design stages all interlock to create this final outcome/final design. 

The semi translucent strap shows a snapshot of the interior of the design through a swatched colour scheme and shape system. 

When unfolded the construction shows an array of different shapes from different angles but when folded together all comes together to create a complete, structured and simplistic final outcome showing how all complex elements/design stages come together to create a deceivingly simple idea. 


The final outcome I arrived at was a well received product and a massive improvement from the original construction I presented in the starting stage of the project and I feel along with a mutual agreement from peers that it communicates the intended message in a visually pleasing outcome. Due to the timeframe I had and the fact I overthought the whole process I think theres obvious flaws that go alongside the positives of this final piece.

Positives of the project are the concept idea though, I feel its a very strong concept that had lots of milage for further development but the outcome I created communicated this concept in a clear way. I like how the design can be viewed from different angles and lots of shapes can be seen but when folded up it hides all these elements in a well constructed fold.

Using 3 stocks could have been a problem with creating an accurate fold and construction  when it came to cutting and sticking the panels together I had to be pin point precise one example was that I had to line the black lines up on the blue and yellow panel, but I feel for a hand made product I constructed it well and I am happy with the paper stock I used as I did try out other tones and textures of stock but wanted that bold and vibrant tonal colour value with a light tint so typography could contrast and remain legible and readable. The fold also stays relatively flat with no bulging or miss aligned panels. 

I like the simplicity of the type and key system I think the key system itself works well even with the random arrangement of the color triangles and squares it brings it all together nicely.

Aesthetically I like how the linear artwork creates an abstract complex aesthetic that creates shapes for the key in its negative space. When the construction is unfolded these visuals are obvious and work to present the concept of complexity within the design stages but when folded they support the construction and concept by presenting minimal visual aesthetics and a simplistic construction. 

The colour stocks work well presenting primary colors well, they work well alongside each other which was an important factor they don't clash they support each other tonally. 

The downsides of the project were due to the limited time I had and the production methods I chose.

I feel if I screen printed the colors onto the stock they would have come through more true and consistent, with the coloured stocks having different tonal values they changed the colors slightly so there was slight tonal differences with the key diagrams and the actual shapes this is a minor detail it isn't an obvious thing but obviously It would be better if they matched perfect. I suggested using little cut out squares of colour if I did this too it would have maybe worked, or maybe vinyl sticker shapes? 

I would have liked to have the construction stag folded without the need for a strap, if I used thinner stock maybe I could have achieved this but it may have arisen more problems when folding the pages out as to represent shapes they needed to be ridged so this was a catch 22 in that sense. 

I I had more time I could have experimented with more typography and layout ideas, it works well, nice and simple and well presented but I could have tried finding a typeface that suited the abstract shapes within the structures aesthetics, instead Futura was just a safe bet that worked due to complete readability and legibility with a slight hint of contemporary aesthetics that fits with the abstract construction and bold colors. 

The strap could have been made better, from the front it looks good, but the back due to been stuck with double sided you can see a slight tacky texture through the translucent tracing paper, maybe with a more commercial constriction purpose this could have been avoided, maybe use some type of hot glue machine?

If it was reproduced commercially it would be difficult to do on a budget due to the 3 paper stocks and complex shapes so I feel hand made is the best method I could make this, laser cutting the panels would achieve a more accurate finish though so this is a consideration the next time I need pin point precision, along with the use of screen printing or vinyl stickers for the use of shapes.

But overall I am happy with the outcome and enjoyed the project minus the intensity and the fact I over thought everything.

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