Tuesday 21 October 2014

Web design initial thoughts for website content and concept, Interim Crit & Feedback

Web design initial thoughts for website content and concept, Interim Crit & Feedback 

Initial thoughts on content for the website and the main base of the websites purpose consisted of various elements taken forward from my research content and further extension and development into other possible areas. 

Idea 1
Take forward and advance on Japanese culture & there passion for cars.
Time attack & Drifting came from japan so using my content from my summer work would link well with the whole Japanese culture element.
Technical data of cars could present an informative section of the website. 

Idea 2
Present how car culture express's individualism within both old & new sub categories. 

Idea 3
A history of drifting
A guide to making a drift car,, informative, technical elements presented in a clear and concise way. (How to get into drifting, a guide to drifting narrowed down into a sort of drifting formula to add a touch of informative humor e.g. driver with no regard for personal safety + car x lots of tyres + winding road = Drift) 

Initial thoughts
I am happy with the fact that I have all my content to place into the above contexts but I feel like the website will just be a method of me placing all my content and images into a web output rather than having a specific concept or idea for my website idea. I would like to have had a clever concept to inspire the website around but at current I don't see opportunity for this. 

Hopefully the crit will help me develop a more informed idea for the overall idea of the website and its influences behind its aesthetic construction. 

At current I feel a multi page website would suit the content the best as there are a few sub categories I need to organize my content within and at current its going to be more of a image strong website.

Crit Feedback
I presented forward my initial 3 ideas to try figure out a more focused plan of action that I am happy with, feedback I received was quite beneficial. 

After presenting the idea my group agreed I have enough content to work with but I seem to be overcomplicating everything, beginning to do more research into Japanese culture is making a lot more work for myself and Simon said I need to consider the target audience more, people looking interested in cars and racing really aren't going to be interested in learning about Japanese culture and history they just want to see snappy and high impact content. Text heavy content isn't really needed here. 

It was suggested I need to narrow down to just one specific area if I am adding a lot of text (derived from extended research) to work alongside my current imagery and content.

Listening from other peoples feedback I need to consider screen sizes and how the website would work on other devices as well as different size/resolution screens. 

If inputting videos look into Javascript coding to input video media effectively. 

If I am going to investigate Japanese culture present just minimal aspects of it as it could turn into an entire in-depth research project just on Japan which isn't needed considering my target market is people interesting in cars and racing. 

Plan of action from crit feedback
Taking forward the crit feedback and some more personal thoughts on my websites content and concept I have figured out a more focused plan to work and develop from bringing in planning on how the content will be categorized, were it will be placed in the website structure, aesthetic inspiration (web safe colors, type & layout inspiration)  and the structure and how the website operates. 

Basic Idea
The target audience of the website will be someone interested in cars & racing so no real focus on contextual text is needed, just clear and concise presentation of technical information on cars with lots of supporting imagery for them too look through and link the information with. They just want to see images and clear information on the cars. 

The basic idea now will be a visual presentation of Drift Cars and Time attack cars with supporting technical data for some cars and a history of time attack and drift cars as an introductory element of the website and will be the main textual element of the site. I want to play about with both continuous page websites as well as multi page website so further investigation into these will be beneficial.

The aesthetics and the structure of the website needs to be inspired by the content while keeping it linked with the target audience and what there used to seeing, to fulfill this i will look at other automotive websites an analyses trends and take forward elements that make these websites successful to keep a familiarity to the web structure for the target audience benefit. 

To do list 
Take content from drifting and time attack research, mostly images and create a collection of visuals with supporting technical data for a select few Time attack & drift cars (Vector icons, top trumps style statistics, technical data & figures)
Inspire aesthetics of website around Japanese culture (instead of doing in-depth and extensive research) & aspects generated from my visual content I already have (patterns from drift tyre marks, shapes inspired by wheel constructions.
Focus in on a more image strong website taking advantage of all my photographic content, sort all the images I want out and edit them to work together consistently.
Look into a top trump sort of concept to inspire the way the information is presented.
Look into continuous page websites and multipage websites and try out rough wire frames of how my content could fit and interact with both.
Look at other automotive websites to learn from and extract elements from them that will help me fit my website to the intended target audience.

Idea generation stages to develop basic website aesthetics and structure and have all content ready for coding and physical production of the website. 
Thumb nailing initial rough layout ideas and how the website operates. 
Think about colors and select images to use.
Select and narrow down image and produce type content all ready for coding sessions.

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