Friday 25 October 2013

Design Skills - Alphabet Soup - Typeface Interim Crit

Design Skills - Alphabet Soup - Typeface Interim Crit

Had my interim crit today only this time following a different format to the previous 2 crits run. This one we were to present out work out to out peers and the idea we had should be presented in a conceptual and visual way with little or no explanation on what's on show. Meaning legibilty and a strong concept needs to be evident. 

Admittedly I wasn't ready for this style of crit I was more prepared to presend my work and talk through it with my sketchbook. Not let my work do all the talking for me. So the feedback I relieved was good I expected a lot more people to struggle to understand my concept. But the concept was praised and strengthening ideas generated from people suggesting looking into my own code, creating typography that simulates engine parts, look into dot matrix printers and lots of other useful feedback on concepts.

Visually feedback was also good, as expected legibility issues were brought up. But this is something I will work on through use of a grid and different layout ideas. Wich is something I initially planned anyway. So this concept will be one I will be definitely taking forward along with experimentations with merging this idea with the existing chosen typefaces with manipulation.

Out of all the ideas presented the dot idea was praised the most but with additions of suggesting adding dashes into it to emulate morse code maybe? But the main thing I have to agree on is narrowing my concept down and focusing on a polished outcome. 

From this crit I have chosen to polish up and develop towards a final idea incorporating the dot concept, mechanical engine elements and keep the minamilistic approach and try out embossing maybe. I will look into existing type design that fits this criteria to help strengthen development ideas. But I now know we're to head with the idea thanks to this crit.

Here is what i took in the crit. 

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