Friday 18 October 2013

Alphabet soup final crit

Design Skills Studio Brief 1 final crit

Today I presented my first final crit to the group. The feedback i received was positive and has helped me establish what elements to take from this brief into creating a full typeface. As you know my word was symmetry and my typeface Garamond, after the intrim crit I had the idea of splicing an element and mirroring it on an axis point. I played with this idea a little as is shown in my design practice log. But my peers again went back to the 'z' idea they favored in the interim crit. But again they liked the X idea but the same issue came up that legibility would be an issue. The mirror 'i' found at the bottom is a development from its predecessor spliced 'i' positioned above. It was said in the interim crit that the idea of a visible axis point was a nice idea. So i played on this visible mirror point through basic type anatomy, used the baseline as a mirror point and reflected the spliced element either side of this line. This worked well but in terms of body text it was agreed it wouldn't work as a family of letterforms it would work nice as something like a logo though maybe?

 So my initial ideas at the moment is to take this idea and the splice idea with the 'i' letterform and develop these together somehow. I was happy with my feedback obviously but it would have been nice to receive some harsh feedback so to speak so I know were to improve upon next time. One thing that i did learn from the crit is that some people created grid systems for creating there letterforms and I feel this would be a nice way in which to create an accurate system and produce a number of letterforms much faster due to having a production system. 

Below is a snapshot of the produced visuals. 

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