Friday 11 October 2013

Design Skills - Alphabet Soup - Illustrator

Design Skills - Alphabet Soup - Illustrator

Today we got studio brief 2 set, Its an opportunity to develop our analogue drawn designs into a digital outcome. We are required to produce a full range of alphabet from one of the 10 examples created for the alphabet soup brief 1. The digital outcomes will be printed in black and backed up by visual investigation and development and presented on an A2 sheet following a 4x7 grid. 

Experiment, develop, make mistakes and explore!

I will bring elements from illustrator workshops into this project to create more advanced professional looking outcomes. 

Scanned analogue of font in for manipulation guide. Expanded the shape through Object to allow typeface manipulation of bold 100pt Garamond.

Using pathfinder i created a shape matching the angle of the Diagonal stroke, this will be the the visible mirror point based on an axis of the the letterform. This concept will be used throughout using the pathfinder tool mostly. Pathfinder and minus front was used here to deleted this shape from the actual letterform.  

This was the outcome from deleting this section.  

Same method applied of minus front shape from pathfinder. 

To create a more angular acurate shape i squared off the terminal ends of the strokes. I created the shape to add onto the stem and used the unite pathfinder tool with both the font selected and my additional shape.

I then used the minus front tool again using pathfinder to square off the bottom and top of the stem and serif top and bottoms.

This created this final outcome. This set of techniques will form the basis of my A-Z any other methods used will be shown here. 

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