Friday 1 November 2013

Partner typeface final crit

Partner typeface final crit

I had my final crit today for my partner typeface and was happy with most of the feedback. I felt the final outcome was successful but after seeing other peoples outcomes in terms of layout and presentation I feel it could have been improved but no one pointed this out.  Creating a closer grid and smaller letterforms with a larger border centring the typeface would work better as it feels quite clumsy and loose. 
Feedback wise everyone liked the concept and I was told that my typeface was a good example of the difference between legibility and readability. Meaning as a set A-Z it works in concept and it works visually when the concept is explained but legibility is a slight problem but this is also to do with the spacing of the letters i presented. 
When put into context of a word readability comes into it and it makes much more sense then and works very well together with close kerning. My partner Helen felt happy with the outcome and felt the concept fit her well. Everyone praised the fact that I combined 2 typefaces together to create my own unique typeface but I was advised if it was vectorised properly instead of the photocopy effect I emulated a much better outcome would be achieved so this is something to remember for the next time I create a complete finished typeface. 
But apart from that feedback was good and I am happy with how the Crit went. Things to remember for next time though will be grid layout, letterform size, look into vectorising. I will be keeping with a constant grid system as this 3:2 ratio worked well and helped create consistent letterforms and people agreed this was a clever concept as the 3:2 ratio links with how braille is formatted. 

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