Thursday 7 November 2013

Poster Interim Crit

Poster Interim Crit 

This crit really opened my eyes after receiving my feedback. I wasn't fully prepared for the crit style, I had a concept in my head ready to explain but the crit format was one were the design spoke for itself and half of the group went round and left comments on my initial sketches. A lot of people had large scale digital outcomes, were as i start off with small concept sketches in a rough format I knew from the outset people were going to be confused. So for next time i will remember to create clearer examples. People didn't really understand the crossing out idea so this needs to be clarified in the development states. 

People liked the K that enclosed facts but i feel this would create an illegible design and lack impact. 

As we weren't aloud to explain the concept people did struggle to understand my concept. So the comments saying how confusing the ideas were was expected But with it been statistics some people understood, especially the one communicating loss of life. This loss of life idea is something I will go on to play with to create a strong powerful image for my image only outcome and type and image as its something people can obviously understand.

It was suggested i stick with the facts and figures idea but create a clearer link between that and climate change so I will work on this and stick with the hierarchy of statistics. Maybe experiment with size and weights? I will look into info graphics too thanks to  suggestion on this as I think it will help strengthen my idea of presenting the visuals to do with loss of life. 

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