Thursday 7 November 2013

Poster development

Poster development 

From my crit i received feedback of vague ideas. Presented below will be them ideas and how they have progressed to different outcomes using type only, type and image and image only. As mentioned in the crit the idea of using statistics would be a good concept to go with linking it with the weather disaster outcomes, and the strong image concept of loss of life was favored. So these main concepts will be tried out in more rough ideas. 

I began to play around with showing a clear distinguish of the hurricane causing the death, and a more vague yet understandable concept portraying the fact pollution causes the hurricane thus causing loss of life. This basic idea is what I am going to progress into the digital development. 

Using simple tally lines and striking them out was supposed to simulate loss of life in a more statistical abstract way but it just appears confusing, as does the factory blowing out smoke in the shape of a tornado in an abstract linear way. This will not be taken further.  

This was a good idea in terms of high impact, but a little sinister and offensive in terms of the imager. It would convey too much anger. But loss of life is something I want to highlight so keeping this strong feeling coming from the image is something I will try out in my final design. 

For my type only poster it was said statistics would be the best way to go about it. So i simply plan on displaying vital statistics, the timeline of how the emissions caused the hurricane which in turn caused the outcomes listed at the bottom of the page layout. The lines will be used to create a visual link simulating motion from one context into the other.  This is the strongest type only concept that I will chose to develop, it needs to become more high impact but this may come about through the digital outcome.

This idea was a kind of play on if emissions were cut down then no aftermath would come about. Sort of flipping my initial idea on its head which was to communicate outcomes caused by emissions. This communicates the outcomes that could be avoided if emissions were cut down.

I personally didn't like this idea in the crit stage but someone highlighted the fact they liked the simplicity of the hurricane icon. I feel it isn't high impact enough but i chose to try create an abstract tornado shape which looks like its fading into smoke. This links nicely with global warming and how it causes weather disasters.

The feedback on the K to include facts inside a K was positive but i didn't feel this would create a legible outcome, but put in context of the date I felt a simple K would easily relate to Katrina through general public knowledge and to back it up the loss of life is presented to create a simple yet strong factual visual response. This links with the poster with the large point size A in my research this high impact feel could work well. 

A more abstract presentation of the above with a tornado overlaid over the K and a car included in to tie in with the emissions concept. Looks far too cluttered and its very confusing and vague. 

A combination of some of the above techniques into the type only layout. The K again could cause confusion but the mass loss of life displayed by striking out lots of vector figures fits in nicely with the presentation of co2 stats and how it links with death. 

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