Friday 8 November 2013

Poster Final Crit

Poster Final Crit

A new format was used for this Crit, we were given 60 seconds in front of the whole group to sum up were our research went from its original story and how its influenced the poster designs presented. I chose to present mine on pdf as I plan on printing on a colored paper stock and didn't allow enough time. 

Feedback overall was good for the overall concept in terms of consistency and layout. And everyone liked the concept of statistics. But one thing was pointed out was the fact that the figure given for the emissions was a little vague. I was relying on public knowledge in a sense that people would link Hurricane Katrina with America thus linking with the emissions figures presented. It would have been better to state these figures that belong to the USA. 

The whole concept of the striking out was positively received, people understood the contextual concept of it connoting loss of life through the image and type and image one. But they didn't quite get my concept of striking the aftermath facts out. My ideas was to communicate if the emissions were lowered then these figures would be 'struck' out. But i suppose 2 out of 3 is a good outcome. Visually they said it looked like boarded up windows. A common sign during the aftermath of an event. An interesting subconscious element that i didn't intent on. 

People agreed the design was high impact through the varying type sizes and weights and the bold color scheme and positive feedback was received on the subtle type edits. These been the "A" flipped and the "D" been 'blown' over, swell as the manipulated "2005".

Things I would change if i was to undergo this project again would be to be more clear with the links between the statistic and the death figures and aftermath figures, as well as making better use of the space. People liked the layout but there was a little too much space in between each of the 3 blocks of type. It worked better on the image only due to the arrows taking up most of the space.
Type only

It was suggested I tried thinner lines to create the strike out, I disagree on this as it would lose its high impact feel. People liked the alternative colors within the lines framing up each of the 3 elements. A more subtle element that someone pointed out was the position and angle of the strikes had a certain motion too them creating the feeling of a storm which was nice to here, creating feelings of motion from a still image is a good outcome. 
Type & Image
The feedback I received for this was the most positive, people instantly understood it and told me it had a very powerful feel creating an obvious concept of loss of life and how it sparked from pollution. I enjoyed using just image as well its something I would like to look into again, as the saying goes a picture can speak 1000 words and in this sense it did that. 
Image only
Overall I was happy with my feedback and it was a massive improvement on my interim crit, a very quick turn around from were I left off a few days previous as no one really understood my idea. It has taught me to visualize my mockups more clearly in the future so i don't have to back up my ideas up as much. They should be able to speak for there selves. 

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