Thursday 26 March 2015

OUGD503 Responsive module evaluation

OUGD503 Responsive module evaluation 

What Skills have I developed through this module and how effectively did I apply them?
I continued to push my conceptual approaches to design but began applying them to a variety of creative disciplines, through the briefs I chose I was able to apply effective concepts to brand identity, editorial design, marketing and promotional tools, music oriented design, illustration, type design and colour theory. Advancing on these skillsets has really helped me develop my individual practice. 

The concepts where carried out very effectively targeting a range of audiences and taking into account cultural, historical, contemporary, social and contextual subjects relevant to the intended message delivered through my outcome. 

Having the opportunity to collaborate has also allowed me to expand on the combination of two individual disciplines to create well informed design that takes into account multiple specialisms to create a stronger final outcome. 

My thought process has also developed and how I record and develop ideas has began to be more informed, analyzing a specific direction by analyzing a brief and its problem before beginning to research contextual, conceptual and aesthetic research influence, this in turn resulted in stronger more informed outcomes that had a thought process behind them and a solid message delivery that supported my conceptual approach. 

My research has also began to become more informed and indepth and takes a wider consideration rather than just aesthetics it has began to take into account historic elements, cultural elements, social impacts and specific research aimed at solving a specific problem. 

What approaches & methods of design principles, production and concepts have I developed and how have they informed my development process? 
My basic design principles have expanded a lot through this module, taking into account technical aspects like grids, typography, layout, hierarchy and color not only applied in conceptual ways but also in very accurate and aesthetically considered ways. 

Expanding on the idea of color theory and illustration I began to apply my conceptual approach to these 2 aspects and realized they can interact quite well to result in very strong outcomes. 

Expanding on the conceptual approach to typography I also feel I effectively developed my type design skillset, it was something that I used to take quite an illustrative analogue approach too but I definitely developed it into a more technical & digital i output relevant to contemporary audiences to meet the needs of an editorial brief. 

My physical craft has developed a lot more, producing more physical outcomes that take consideration from considered research that inform the process behind the construction and format of 3D outcomes, moving away from flat work has made me think more into technical details and it relies a lot more on developments and mockups before finalizing an idea resulting in a stronger design outcome through this development. 

What strengths where obvious within my work and how can I expand on these?
Concepts, keep applying relevant concepts too my work and expanding on the relevance and influence behind these concepts through the developed design process's I have undergone during the module. 

Physical craft, expand on physical crafts, I really enjoyed creating physical outcomes that where made of multiple elements I find its an important skill as a designer to consider elements like packaging, and with my focus point been brand identity the outcomes can be varied and diverse so developing on these skillsets is important. 

Technical innovation, to expand on design principles I want to begin reading a lot of design books and start looking into more diverse sources relating to grid systems, layout, hierarchy and type design. I want to look into historic and contemporary sources to inform my practice to maintain sustainable design outcomes and concepts. 

Research, I want to expand on the primary and secondary research I made in this module, using primary and secondary sources and a diverse range of research influences and start points will help me expand on the thorough research I underwent. 

What weaknesses where obvious overall and how can I improve on them in the future?
Time planning was an issue, as usual I thought of an idea after lots of research but didn't really develop on it as much as I could due to bad timing, I began to eradicate this by making time schedules breaking down the stages of the brief at the beginning so I feel this helped a little and will continue to help me. 

The group work didn't go as well as I hoped, it seemed a little unorganized workload so I feel next time in a collaborative we should designate specific jobs and a specific timeframe to work from. 

Traditional print failed a lot in this module, it was unfortunate as it was the main idea for a very strong concept. I managed to sort this problem out and apply the concept to a more contemporary print process but I feel practice is needed with aspects to do with letterpress, screenprint, foiling and embossing. 

What  would I do differently next time and what can I gain from doing this?
Better time planning will result in a structured way of working and stronger design outcomes as more time can be spent on relevant elements of the process rather than spending loads of time on research and non on developing the idea. 

When approaching brand identity I think next time more peer feedback from a wider range of audience will result in more informed concepts and delivery. 

Next time I undergo the combination of contemporary production methods to influence traditional process's and ideas I will create a range of possible methods rather than just one, as the relief press didnt work first time I had to go back and re book laser and spend hours re-jigging the pressing blocks on indesign. 

Attendance = 5
Punctuality = 3
Motivation = 3
Commitment =  4
Quantity of work produced = 3
Quality of work produced = 4
Contribution to the group = 5

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