Monday 23 March 2015

YCN - GAP Collaborative Initial idea generation

YCN - GAP Collaborative Initial idea generation

Taken forward the concept idea based on a freshers pack, signage, wordplay, focus on 25% discount and product quality aimed at the specific student audience I began generating my initial ideas ready to take back to Elliot to see what he had so we could go ahead and combine and refine on each others ideas. 

Base 25% promotion around a budgeting plan with incorporation of GAPs clothing showing the value for money they can get and still have money left to do social activities and buy food and drink and pay rent etc. 

Create a series of posters using wordplay that use playful and informal quotes relating to the 25% savings, to resonate with a student audience the tone of voice needs to be personal and less serious and mature. 

Dont just relate the work to fashion, to resonate with students more base the aesthetic of the material on drawing attention in through high impact imagery, type and colour the colours used in the dress normal campaign offer good mileage for impact and attention. 

Make posters students can put up in there room, something they can keep, placing GAP firmly in there mind. 

Figure out a campaign that involves students in the 25% saving promotion somehow, social media would be a good method of this going viral. 

Create a sort of plastic kit that revolves around students interests, this provokes interactivity and a better chance of remembrance of the campaign, maybe give them something they can use to enhance this. 

The idea of 25% could interact between posters and the signage, maybe show 25% off a section of window signage missing with a series of posters completing this missing section on a series of window signage. This would provoke interaction and draw people into the stores. 

I came up with an idea that resonates well with the concept and brief requirements from the refinement and selection of all these initial ideas. 

The main idea revolves around a theme that focus's on the freshers pack, everything else revolves and branches off from this pack. The theme will be based on student essentials with supporting consideration to there unique personalities. 

1 Poster that is purely aesthetic taking influence from colour to resonate with GAP, by producing a high impact aesthetic poster the student can use this, place it in there room and in turn increase remembrance of the GAP brand while enhancing there initially bland identity they currently have within younger audiences. 

Promotional posters that involves the incorporation of a a social media campaign focusing on 25% savings and what students can purchase with that 25% saving. The posters would invite students too place the posters in university settings, on pin boards for example. This would increase further recognition of the brand and the discounts available while also giving GAP a potential viral online presence. 

A number of flyers that can be handed out to friends to invite them into this online campaign, there would be a daily competition throughout freshers weeks taken from students who submit the placement of these posters and flyers around educational settings. Instagram would be an ideal model for this idea. 

A plastic kit of student essential items with wordplay quotes on them based on 25% savings. Like the model kits you get from craft shops, this could include items like bottle openers, coasters, desk tidies or pencil holders or more humorous miscellaneous like lighters and CD's that resonate well with a student.  Giving the student something they can make good use off which in turn achieves better remembrance. 

All this would be supported by simple wordplay within shop signage and windows which extends on the content within the freshers pack, linking everything together and hopefully drawing people into the stores through the distribution of these freshers packs. 

Within this wordplay and examples of items that can be purchased through savings consider including and promoting ranges of clothing's that are more essentials rather than fashionable trend driven items as essential clothing's like basic tee's would be much more useful and support the current tone of voice of the brand and the quality of there garments. 

A bit of feedback to work from and develop on in the later stage based on a plan to use type rather than photographic image as a means of expressing the campaign idea within material like posters as it will carry wordplay and focus in on the 25% discounts. 

Elliot agreed on this, we both agreed that using the dress normal campaign for these type experiments would be beneficial to inject the typical GAP tone of voice and recognition of the brand. 

I text elliot my idea to see if it was worth beginning to develop it into some scamps that could again be developed on from combined feedback and collaboration of both our ideas. 

Go ahead and agreement for us both to take this idea into the development stages.

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