Wednesday 25 February 2015

Responsive - Fedrigoni brief, problem analysis & submission process

Responsive - Fedrigoni brief, problem analysis & submission process

Why I chose it
Open brief in terms of what I produce to fulfill the clients requirements. 
Lots of creative experimentation opportunity.
Can focus on print based outcomes, a specialist area I like producing work within. 
Creative/Graphic Design target audience allows me lots of creative freedom and conceptual ideas as they will understand & appreciate different aesthetics and ideas more. 
Allowance for production technique, process & material experimentation 
I could produce a lot of collateral for the brief, producing lots of physical outcomes allowing me to explore different design area's (editorial design/book design, print's, digital & analogue image/type techniques)
Good recognition within the creative industry if I got selected. 

Fedrigoni Brief 
Upon analysis of the brief I noted down key points in the brief that could go towards defining the problem and providing initial start points & opportunities for solving these problems:
The purpose is to create a marketing tool to promote the range of Sirio Ultra Black uncoated papers.

Everything is created at the San Colomano Paper Mill at Vallarso Roverto Italy, the consideration of location and italian creative culture could spark potential influence.

Fedrigoni started in 1717, looking back into historic references may resonate well with there focus on proving print media is still relevant within this digital age. 

They want to maintain sustainability and a connection between considered print and paper relationships 

Benefits and Features of the paper is the unique and high quality texture along with it been;
Apparently the blackest paper on the market
Good for folding, embossing and other physical construction techniques
Works well with screenprint, letterpress, monoprint and other print techniques along with digital process's 

Focused at promoting the full range of Sirio Ultra black to creative target markets:
115, 185, 280, 370, 460, 680sm weights and a special embossed texture paper. 

Problem & obstacles
There are a set few initial problems and obstacles that need to be addressed to solve and figure out ideas to create a defined concept and solution to target at the desired creative target audience.

How to show off the papers versatility through exploration of production methods, process, printing and other techniques. 

How to include the full range of papers and present there versatility within one overall marketing tool, rather than them been on separate outputs and formats like multiple posters?

How to connect with the creative audience, considering there mindset rather than going down the typical standard marketing campaign's of mediocre posters, flyers and brochures, how can these formats be made more focused for a creative audience? I need to evaluate the target audience to help think of ways to connect with them.

How to portray the relationship of print & paper in a contemporary light?

A marketing tool to me should be something that can speak for itself in multiple placements, it should promote the product effectively while still maintaining consideration to aesthetics as the the target market would appreciate this.

How to promote the high quality of the papers. 

How to stand out from other paper companies like GF smith? 

Possible initial opportunities
From these initial problems I came up with a few possible opportunities to work form;
Consider trends and high impact aesthetics to draw attention from the creative target market. 

By thinking of a concept that concentrates on the sustainable ideas of the company and there requirement of wanting to maintain the relationship between specialist paper and printing will help create a campaign that demonstrates the timeless opportunities within print and how these papers will enhance the future of print. 

Use typical marketing tools in an interactive way rather than just relying on standard formats, re-invent the whole idea of print based posters, leaflets, brochures to create a marketing campaign that considers both traditional techniques and relationship with papers in a modern light to give off a sustainable feel. Try include it all into one interactive tool. 

Present the companies heritage and italian culture by looking into italian art movement's, the history of the company and the location to add relevance and a sense of pride to the concept and campaign and also present past and historic elements in a more contemporary light to work alongside the focus on keeping print a sustainable medium of design. 

To present print in a sustainable light maybe present traditional print aesthetics through more modern methods, for example lasercut acrylic to emboss? Screenprint with metallic ink rather than foiling, all these show off the papers versatility within print but in a more modern light showing the future of print and how this range of papers can interact with this future. 

Create a campaign using wordplay, the use of type only will act as a good vessel for carrying the multiple print finishes and process's to show the papers versatile nature in context. These wordplays could be relevant to the print techniques and another underlying/supporting concept. 

Were in a transitional period within the creative industry now, "Zeitgeist" is a term that could influence the visualization of a particular period, for example Martin Parr emulating the 21st century as the "Bling Age" through his documentary photography". If I could find a way of visualizing the 2015 release of the sirio ultra black range as an iconic period and visualize the period of Fedrigonis startup n 1717 in a visual way these two periods could interact and contrast with each other to show a sort of timeline and idea of pastiche to help strengthen the idea of sustainable print media, the idea been that its as iconic now as it was back then.

His use of Colour (orange tints and high saturation yet quite dark shadow) helped emulate this sort of bling and glamour aesthetic in quite a contradictory and ironic way, using British Holiday's as a vessel for expressing this idea. 

As a way of showing versatility, a set of icons could be created to represent the techniques, process and methods the range allows, this iconography could be influenced by varying things:
Italian culture to show heritage 
Italian Art movements to show consideration to past art techniques, informing the target audience of this past resonates well with Fedrigonis focus on keeping print media recognized through the use of this Sirio Ultra Black range. 
The techniques and process's that can be used within traditional print media, the more modern process's and the physical construction methods it can undergo.
Keep the aesthetic and structure concistant so it works as a set OR create an adaptable system within the iconography to show versatility in a conceptual way, the creative target audience would appreciate this. 

Show the ranges versatility through its interaction with color, how it can work with other mediums. The focus is presenting the color black but why make it the focal point of a concept? Is this really important? 

Whatever approach I take the through the promotion and marketing tool I need to:
Engage with the user so they can understand and interact with the versatility's and opportunities available within the paper range that could enhance there creative practice.
Promote, persuade and educate the end user, by summing up and communicating benefits of this range.

Submission Process - Wetransfer 
Unlike D&ADs quite intense requirements YCN's are much more simple and straught forward, I have already downloaded the project pack including logos and digital content for the brief and have received the paper samples from Fedrigoni, these dont actually need to be used in the final outcome, a good job really as they were posted creased and damaged!

Designs will be submitted through the YCN site using WeTransfer. 

The format of the work will be digital, using a multi page or singular PDF document (however I can best sum the process up) that explains the process in detail but concise and straight to the point, I will approach this like my usual submissions but strip back the idea generation & research and concentrate on the concept, resolution & rationale of the final outcome. 

I will take high quality photos of the final outcomes so there will be no need for physically sending it off.

I will reference any use of typefaces and images to show a commercial and external consideration to copyrighting.

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