Thursday 26 February 2015

Responsive - Fedrigoni initial concept & development of idea

Responsive - Fedrigoni initial concept & development of idea

After analysing the brief and outlining the requirements, the obstacles and possible opporunties I have refined down to 2 main points to expand on and develop into one main concept to begin developing ideas on how to produce a resolution for the marketing tool and promotion of the sirio ultra black range to a creative target audience. 

Ideas to refine on
1. Re-invent typical marketing formats like posters, leaflets & brochures in an interactive way, rather than rely on there solo use, create a resolution that ties them all together to work as a whole package, this works better as the requirements as a marketing tool, not a campaign, a campaign uses a series of posters and other seperate collateral. Where as this would 

I see a marketing tool as something that should be interactive and be made up of more than one element in an interactive way, by using multiple formats tied into one resolution multiple print process, finishs and production techniques can be used to show off the versatility of the Sirio Ultra black range. 

2. Present Fedrigonis heritage looking into Italian culture and art movements, by looking into these past methods of art & design and using them to influence contemporary ideas alongside a focus on portraying print media in a modern light will take into account the briefs requirements of wanting to create sustainability and maintain the need for the interaction of print media and high quality paper products. 

Refined Concept
The end resolution needs to be a promotional marketing tool that both persuades and informs the target audience of the benefits of the Sirio Ultra Black range, it should provoke interaction and sum up the features and versatility of the Sirio Ultra Black range while considering the creative target audiences thought process. The fact the audience is from the creative sector this allows the resolution to be quite conceptual rather than focusing on corporate marketing techniques.

Taking this into account I came up with this concept:
Taking influence from Italian culture, Fedrigoni's original paper mill location & Art movement's to reference Fedrigonis heritage and past creative disciplines to influence contemporary & traditional print process's and finishes to focus on presenting the relationship between print & paper in a sustainable and contemporary light.  

The marketing tool will take influence from this considered approach of emulating sustainable print & paper relationships through exploration of multiple print process's, finishes, production methods to show off the versatility of the Sirio Ultra black range. 

The physical outcome will be a re-invention of typical promotion materials, rather than creating entirely solo products each item will work equally well by itself as well as tied up into a tactile package that the end user can interact with and fully understand the versatility and possibilities of the Fedrigoni Ultra Black range. 

Next stage
I will begin researching into:
Relevant Italian culture & art movements that could resonate well with Fedrigonis heritage and brands personality and products and work to enhance the concept. 
Looking into the location of the original paper mill, possibly look at how the location differs from 1717 to now.
Look at some visual influence to inspire how I can go about re-interpreting typical marketing and promotional formats (Posters, brochures, leaflets etc).
Look at modern and traditional print & production process that could work alongside the creative influence I find in traditional art movements. 

Consider the interaction of black with other colours to show versatility through use of colour theory. 
Look at iconography to represent techniques and process's; explore both adaptable icon sets and icon sets that work on a set of guidelines and aesthetics, an adaptable system word work better for showing versatility though. 

Figure out alternative ways of reproducing typical promotional material, different sizes, material, shapes etc.

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