Tuesday 10 February 2015

Appropriation and Subversion - Study Task 1

Design Practice 2 - Study Task 1

What is originality? 
Taking something that exists and adjusting it to make it yours, is this genuine or just plain copying?
Re contextualizing existing concepts and the way artists work. 
Technology as a way of modernizing historic ideas by using pastiche. 
Xerox machine, allowed the use of photocopying as a quick way of creating a gritty yet digital aesthetic. 

Re appropriate messages through the use of existing publications and materials. 

Using an information leaflet and local Leeds newspaper I gathered some image and textual sources to create a collage that represents sports & achievements through ideas of motivation & manipulation visualized by using imagery that shows sporting activities and achievements in a manipulative light supported with some analogue quotes to maintain that personal feel to the emulation of motivation & manipulation. 

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