Friday 28 February 2014

Other logo variations

Other logo variations

Before the name salt & sauce came about Taylor began creating a selection of logo ideas based on rebranding the Skatepal charity.

Communication is a virus interim crit, Timeline plan & Concept plan

Communication is a virus interim crit, Timeline plan & Concept plan

Today we had our interim crit, it gave us opportunity to receive feedback on our 3 main concept ideas. We created a presentation briefing up all the ideas we have thought up. 

Feedback from peers, tutors and some 3rd years said what was achievable was unrealistic, throwing an exhibition would prove impossible due to having to arrange booking over a year in advance for the college exhibition space. So just holding a stall to sell the merchandise would be more realistic. 

Feedback suggested that we needed to focus down and perfect a small element of the idea due to the timeframe we needed to prioritize. 

We decided after the feedback it would be best to go forward with the first idea, a few amendments were made though the new plan was to just create T-shirts now as the limited edition range to be sold for money towards the charity. Our age range stayed within the 18-30s range due to skateboarding been a more youth driven culture, we will be creating T-Shirts based on a theme of "California". California was the birth place of skateboarding so this would be a fitting concept theme for the T-Shirt designs. 

Along with the T-shirts will be a tag explaining the hashtag method we intend to turn us viral. The person who buys a T-shirt will take a photo of there selves wearing the T-shirt in a unique area, using the hash rage #salt&sauce. The social media sources we have to go viral through are Facebook, instagram & twitter.

The guidelines for the color scheme for the promotion materials will be black, white and pale blue (C40, Y15,M0,K0). The T-shirts will be most probably black and whatever color the tshirt itself is to keep costs down and save time pantone color matching the inks for screen printing.

We have a fair bit to do so arranging the group would be important so we created a timeline for us all.

Monday:Me and Neill will produce mockups for promotion posters for the stall and a final logo design for use on the T-shirts and promo Materials. We will also create a tag for the T-shirt explaining the hashtag procedure. The girls will have some T-shirt design ideas ready to present.

Tuesday:Make changes on mondays designs.

Wednesday: T-shirts screens prepared & T-shirts printed & finalizing of the promotional materials.

Thursday: Final prints of T-shirts, promo material and T-shirt tags and prepare a presentation.

Friday: Present ideas and plans for stall in the following week. 

Group jobs.
Create T-Shirt Designs & Print = Taylor, Eva, Daria
Create Logo, Poster, T-Shirt tags & Print on paper stocks = Me & Neill
Presentations as a group 

Concept idea at present.
After the interim crit we had to make some changes to the plan of action. What we plan on doing now is carrying out a fundraising event in the form of a stall. We will sell T-shirts designed by each of the group members, this money will then go towards the Skatepal charity. The T-shirt designs theme will be based around California  the birth place of skateboarding. To promote the event we will create printed media in the form of posters & flyers. Other printed media will be tags for the T-shirts along with the physical printed T-shirts. 

We will use social media to promote the events on the internet and this will give us the opportunity to go viral if the public pass the event information on and it circulates around. 

Method of delivery.
The methods of delivery will vary. 
Method of delivery of promotion materials will vary ranging from printed media to social media promotions. 
Fundraising delivery will be in the form of a stall selling merchandise for raising money for the charity. 
T-shirts will be the merchandise sold for raising money. 

Type Journal

Type Journal

Production method: Woodblock. 
Anatomy: Very heavy line weights, with very round ends on terminals, no negative spaced between strokes and in apertures creating a solid block making the type look even heavier and bolder. 
Identity: Decorative block. Sans serif
Character: Round, squared off glyphs, no negative space, squashed. 
Production method: Woodblock. 
Anatomy: Short stumpy line length on vertical and horizontal, 45 degree cut off on terminal on C, squared off terminal on straight characters with a slight round edge on the corner to add a certain softness to the glyph, small aperture and a very squared of apex of the A. The 's' is to represent steam of a hot drink, but shares the same line weight and fits in with the glyphs well with the positive tracking and good use of space within the logos context. 
Identity: Geometric grotesque sans serif. Block. Logo. 
Character: Robust, simple, subtle, conceptual,

Production method: Stone. 
Anatomy: Consistant line weight, deep serifs, geometric O, very stable characters. 
Identity: Old style serif. Roman. 
Character: Traditional, clean-cut, accuracy, textured, rough, embossed, shadowed, illegible. 

Production method: Lead. 
Anatomy: Underlined and large pt size in comparison to body copy draw the eye in terms of hierarchy. All uppercase charters and a medium weight also aids this, slight increase in tracking helps individualize each character too to make a very clean readable quote. Consistent line weight. 
Identity: Geometric sans serif. Gothic. 
Character: Clean, legible, readable, simple, accurate, high impact. 

Production method: Sable. 
Anatomy: Tapered line strokes, italic, underlined, joined up, short cross bars, stumpy characters with short verticals, the 'e' outweighs the vertical characters like 't' 
Identity: Casual script. 
Character: Simplistic, neat, handwriting, soft, smooth. 

Type Journal

Type Journal

Production method: Lead. 
Anatomy: Angled cut offs at the end of terminals, short horizontal spur at the end of the 'j' all uppercase, consistent light weight and equal length lines in most characters but narrow glyphs like 'j' and 'I'. Angular joins, sharp apex on the A. 
Identity: Geometric sans serif. Gothic. 
Character: Sharp, angular, pointy, clean. 

Production method: Digital due to the complexity of the M, this wouldn't be possible to make in a lead mold or out of woodblock as its too intricate. 
Anatomy: Perfect round bowls and curves, contrasting angular vertical line with the curves in the 'm', short ascenders on the 'b' and 'd'. 
Identity: Geometric sans serif. Gothic. 
Character: Abstract, round, circular, curved, contrast. 

Production method: Stone. 
Anatomy: Mostly heavy weight strokes a few contrasting light strokes, all uppercase, quite sharp tapered serifs, quite tightly kerned and tracked in some aspects. This helps the eye meet each serif of individual characters simulating joint up writing aiding readability. 
Identity: Old style serif. Roman
Character: Traditional, corporate, professional.

Production method: Digital. 
Anatomy: Quite long serifs, squaring off the top of the strokes, squared of joints, contrasting line weight, the light weight lines have the same weight as the serifs giving the glyph consistency and stability. Uppercase glyph 
Identity: Ornate digital manipulation of a Slab serif font. Block. 
Character: Ornate, decorative, floral, aztec, patterned, nature, illustrative, simple colors. 

Production method: Digital 
Anatomy: Uppercase, tapered terminal cut offs contrasting with straight cut terminal cut offs. angular joints, sharp corners contrast with perfect circular 'c' and 'o' very steady curve and angle in the 's' spine. 
Identity: Geometric sans serif. Gothic. 
Character: Patterned, colorful, textured, floral, photomontage. 

Production method: Digital. 
Anatomy: Not alot can be commented on the anatomy due to the manipulation its gone through with its illustrative nature. Its all in uppercase, and follows a consistent line weight with a 45 degree angle cut off on the terminal ends of the C and S.
Identity: I love dusts digital manipulation derived from grotesque sans serif font. Block. 
Character: Sporty, busy, exciting, loud, interactive, illustrative, high impact, detailed. 

Thursday 27 February 2014

Logo Development & creation

Logo Development & creation

As a group we created a set of logo ideas each to decide on what to use as the main face of the identity. The logo will appear on the social network sites and the promotional materials of the event so it needs to be something eye catching and communicate the concept of "salt & sauce". I began jotting down a few concepts that could link to salt & sauce.

The idea of something contrasting is inspired by how salt & sauce is a contrast of 2 food stuffs but complement each other as a result. The best way to communicate this was to use typeface classifications & weights to create a contrast, along with simple color contrasts. 

A more illustrative idea would be too create the logo with inspiration from the fluidness of sauce and the straightness and the sharpness of salt grains.

My favorite idea was the idea of visualizing the chemical information behind an acid (sauce) and alkali (salt).

Rough selection of initial visualizations for the previous word associations. Not keen on the idea of illustrative type, too playful. Were involved in a charity event and something more clean cut will be better than playful typography. 

Chemical/molecule profile of sodium (salt) for inspiration imagery.

Chemical/molecule profile of an alkaline. 

Joined the 2 molecules together to visualize how two things go together. Like the concept behind "salt & sauce" I quite like how this visual is going.

This idea visualizes a contrast of 2 different elements through block color contrasts of black & white. The idea of reversing out a typeface also visualizes contrast like the contrasting flavors of salt & sauce. But much like these contrasting colors these two flavors do still work well together. 

The second idea is again visualizing the idea of something contrasting but still working well together, the boldness/heavy weight of the word sauce contrasts with the light crispness of the  word salt. 

Another way in which I visualized a contrast that works together was to use 2 different type classifications. A sans serif and a serif typeface.

An afterthought was to place the groups name within the "molecules" this simulates how a group is formed within the visualization of a molecule. The idea of a group or a collaboration is to combine each others personalities & styles to create one combined outcome, much like the combination of single molecule elements to create a full molecule chain. 

Neater molecule structure drawn up ready for vectoring using equal length lines throughout 95% of the image to create consistency and good accurate structure.

Began to create the digital mockup, kept everything to a set format to crete a very symmetrical mechanically accurate illustration. 

The final vector was too tall, creating a quite condensed feel too the logo. 

To combat this I shortened the top half of the illustration creating an illustration with more structure. 

Vector version of the illustration, single lines are used though now as apposed to the double lines used in some of the previous molecule sections. Wasn't keen on the aesthetics of the double lines. The spacing between the glyphs within the individual molecule elements works perfectly though it has great balance. The type choice could do with changing though (ampersand could do with been a few pts larger) but as a mockup to present to the group this gives off enough information. 

Taking the reversing out technique used in my sketches for the solid molecules I added a black background. This created more impact to the whole logo and incorporated the contrasting concept (visualization of how contrasting elements can work together, like salt & sauce) I wanted to visualize. What wasn't intentional was how the 2 solid black molecule elements abstractly present 2 figures, so this was an interesting outcome that could loosely connote members of a group. 

Began vectoring up the black & white block contrasting colors. Wasn't keen on the spacing of the 2 words within there box surrounds so brought things together into one solid rectangle for this version. Presented an abstract contrast within the 2 tone anpersand. Looks a little like a magnet so this visual kind of does simulate how 2 opposing things can go/come together.

Rounded the ends off but now it looks like a tablet, or an eraser. No relevance to the concept at all. 

Began trying to create an abstract visual of a salt shaker by adding holes into the end of the "shaker" Doesn't really represent a salt shaker well though. 

Decided to create a bottle to represent the "sauce". Although im not keen on this as its a little too literal and visually I think it causes in-balance between the 2 words within there framed space of the bottle due to the neck of the bottle giving the word "sauce" less negative space to breath in. 

Changed the typeface to 2 contrasting typefaces that visualize salt & sauce a little better. Salt was the sans serif Univers, it was very straight cut and crisp that visualizes salt grains. Newmaster was the serif typeface i chose, it had crispness and elegance within the curves of the stem on the "S" and the bowl curve of the "U,C" this simulates the fluidness of sauce. Aswell as the 2 different type classifications that contrast so do the stems within the "sauce" typeface, a very light and bold contrast with some of the strokes and stems especially in the "U" glyph. 

A more simplistic logo with just entire type. Using Univers again for the "salt" but this time a more heavy/onvious serifed typeface called Lucida fox. Presented here is a contrast of regular and bold, too much contrast though I want something more subtle for a type only logo. 

Lightweight Univers & Regular Luicida in uppercase created the perfect balance with the smaller pt size ampersand been framed up by the single vector lines that run level to the Cap height and baseline framing the whole logo up as a block through the straight edge of the E and S following a horizontal guideline. 

As sauce is quite fluid I decided to soften things up on the "Sauce". I added a 0.25 stroke to the expanded letterforms within the work and rounded caps and corners, this took away that sharpness of the serif points and the tails of the glyphs. 

Final logo ideas ready to present to the group. I added salt shaker holes to the bottom of the bottle to create a relevant visual for the "Salt" word to sit within the words context & meaning. In terms of revisiting and editing the logos if there deemed appropriate I feel the magnet one could have good potential if I played around with the type choice and sizing and positioning within the frame. Also experiment with complementary colours within it to simulate how the concept of salt & sauce go well together through the use of colour application. Also the Molecule logo needs addressing as it still appears too condensed a little, maybe smaller glyphs or lighter glyphs within the frame work of the molecule chain, or even a round serifed face that could contrast with the straight cut lines of the illustration? Or lighter weight lines within the illustration.