Friday 28 February 2014

Communication is a virus interim crit, Timeline plan & Concept plan

Communication is a virus interim crit, Timeline plan & Concept plan

Today we had our interim crit, it gave us opportunity to receive feedback on our 3 main concept ideas. We created a presentation briefing up all the ideas we have thought up. 

Feedback from peers, tutors and some 3rd years said what was achievable was unrealistic, throwing an exhibition would prove impossible due to having to arrange booking over a year in advance for the college exhibition space. So just holding a stall to sell the merchandise would be more realistic. 

Feedback suggested that we needed to focus down and perfect a small element of the idea due to the timeframe we needed to prioritize. 

We decided after the feedback it would be best to go forward with the first idea, a few amendments were made though the new plan was to just create T-shirts now as the limited edition range to be sold for money towards the charity. Our age range stayed within the 18-30s range due to skateboarding been a more youth driven culture, we will be creating T-Shirts based on a theme of "California". California was the birth place of skateboarding so this would be a fitting concept theme for the T-Shirt designs. 

Along with the T-shirts will be a tag explaining the hashtag method we intend to turn us viral. The person who buys a T-shirt will take a photo of there selves wearing the T-shirt in a unique area, using the hash rage #salt&sauce. The social media sources we have to go viral through are Facebook, instagram & twitter.

The guidelines for the color scheme for the promotion materials will be black, white and pale blue (C40, Y15,M0,K0). The T-shirts will be most probably black and whatever color the tshirt itself is to keep costs down and save time pantone color matching the inks for screen printing.

We have a fair bit to do so arranging the group would be important so we created a timeline for us all.

Monday:Me and Neill will produce mockups for promotion posters for the stall and a final logo design for use on the T-shirts and promo Materials. We will also create a tag for the T-shirt explaining the hashtag procedure. The girls will have some T-shirt design ideas ready to present.

Tuesday:Make changes on mondays designs.

Wednesday: T-shirts screens prepared & T-shirts printed & finalizing of the promotional materials.

Thursday: Final prints of T-shirts, promo material and T-shirt tags and prepare a presentation.

Friday: Present ideas and plans for stall in the following week. 

Group jobs.
Create T-Shirt Designs & Print = Taylor, Eva, Daria
Create Logo, Poster, T-Shirt tags & Print on paper stocks = Me & Neill
Presentations as a group 

Concept idea at present.
After the interim crit we had to make some changes to the plan of action. What we plan on doing now is carrying out a fundraising event in the form of a stall. We will sell T-shirts designed by each of the group members, this money will then go towards the Skatepal charity. The T-shirt designs theme will be based around California  the birth place of skateboarding. To promote the event we will create printed media in the form of posters & flyers. Other printed media will be tags for the T-shirts along with the physical printed T-shirts. 

We will use social media to promote the events on the internet and this will give us the opportunity to go viral if the public pass the event information on and it circulates around. 

Method of delivery.
The methods of delivery will vary. 
Method of delivery of promotion materials will vary ranging from printed media to social media promotions. 
Fundraising delivery will be in the form of a stall selling merchandise for raising money for the charity. 
T-shirts will be the merchandise sold for raising money. 

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