Tuesday 4 February 2014

Studio Brief 2 - What is a Book? & Group questions

Studio Brief 2 - What is a Book? & Group questions

Today we were introduced too the second half off the design principles module. Studio brief 2 requires us to create a set of 10 double page spread layouts that bring together everything we have covered over the last weeks. The basics off form, function and construction of a book will be underpinned by key fundamentals within type, grid, color, readability & legibility of information and composition. These past subjects we touched on in sessions are going to be brought into a physical design outcome. 

From the 15 questions we are each asked to gather in groups we pooled together all our questions and compiled 10 questions that would provide a decent body of research responses. 

The questions our group decided on was:

What are the main applications of the font categories?:
Sans Serif/Gothic

What are the differences for designing a typeface for print vs type for screen design?

When creating a typeface are the italic/oblique fonts created from manipulations of the original regular font or drawn out separately?

Are concepts more important than aesthetics in typeface design?

Readability & Legibility
What makes a letterform legible?

How does kerning, tracking & leading effect readability? 

How do columns & grids effect readability?

How do you best create a color pallet?

What is more important in color use? Connotation & relevance to the designs context and content or Asthetics of the color pallet(s)

Most common color connotations & there meanings?

We then chose a selection of questions each to go on and research I chose the above type questions highlighted in bold.

I will be gathering examples and comparisons of images of type design and typography, images of typography in use, information on typography decisions and information on type design process and development. The sources I will gather my information from will be websites and books and the research we gather will be compiled together. All information needs to be referenced and recognition of the authors made.  We will then go onto edit down this research and prepare it for insertion and communication within our layout design ready for our mock publication on "10 things you need to know about design"

The layouts we produce need to work as a set through there use of constant type, layout, color and composition. 

To help me understand layout and publication production a little more I will come to a common understanding of the meanings of the following terms as they will be used a lot within the language of layout design. 
Drop Caps.
Rules & Boxes.
Folio Numbers.

To carry out the brief effectively and create clear concise layouts I will go through a design process by producing thumbnail sketches of compositions and developing form there using crits and personal anaylyse to aid the development process through the use of type, grid, layout, format and colour. 

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