Tuesday 18 March 2014

Double page spread layout development & crit

Double page spread layout development & crit

Today we ran the first crit within the design principles module. I presented forward 5 double page spreads thumbnails at full 210mmx210mm scale to give an idea of how type and image will work within the space. 

The grid I was using before was a 3 column grid. This didn't offer me much versatility in terms of positioning type & image elements so i created a 12 column grid on each page. 

These are my outcomes in scale format of how the type and image will sit within the space, I have estimated type amounts from my source material printed from my blog. All my design layouts are designed to have a fair amount of negative space so type & image is easily visually digested and elements remain legible and clear. I cut down my body copy to as little as possible to maintain large amounts of negative space. Short hits of information means the reader doesn't tire of large bodies of text and fully takes in the information. 

All these scale drawings came form my original small scale thumbnails.

What makes a letterform legible. 
This DPS is that for the readability & legibility spread, the idea for the illegible type image will be placed under the body copy and the typography color over the top reversed out to create a visual representation of illegibility through the combination of body copy and the actual image of illegibly typography. 

Pantone color spread. 
Again another minimal layout for the pantone DPS. Using symmetry to present the color representation of the item that was pantone swatched. 

10 most famous type design spread. 
Centre aligned typography examples for the top 10 most famous type design DPS.

How is woodblock type made spread.
Example of how my woodblock type instruction manual DPS will look using a large pt size wood block typographic glyph to present this type origin. 

Color connotations spread. 
Making the most of the negative space within this color connotations DPS. Small amounts of information spread across the horizontal central spine of the layout works well with the negative space of the bottom and top half of the composition creating a nice balance and ease of viewing the information and imagery.  

Feedback suggested that my strengths within the use of grid was strong and I demonstrate content in a readable & legible layout plan.

Type hierarchy and order of information has been considered well. 

The type justification has been consistent as has the rest of the design elements in terms of sizing, image size and use of grid. Functional page layouts with ease of reading have been created through good use of negative space.

Presenting forward my smaller thumbnails that made me arrive at these scale thumbnails feedback was positive on the range of experimentation I presented for each DPS. A range of visual outcomes were explored and the peer feedback favors the presentation of diverse styles before deciding on a layout thumbnail to advance with. 

Suggestions made at this stage were too make sure the negative space is even and consistent through the DPS's 

Don't be too hesitant in adding more content, if creating minimal layouts make sure they are well justified. 

Whats next?
I need to decide on the content for the next 5 DPS, I Need to create an introduction & a contents within these 10 DPS so these will take up 1 double page spread. The other 4 bodies of content derived from my research questions will be the following. 

Advantages of traditional print methods & new age methods?
What are the main applications of font classifications?, this will spread over 2 spreads due to the large amount of image and body copy.
How does kerning/tracking/leading effect readability?

I will make 5 more thumbnails to work to before beginning to digitally develop my double page spreads.

Find an image of a woodblock type glyph.

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