Sunday 30 March 2014

Salt & Sauce competition pack & Round up evaluation

Salt & Sauce competition pack & Round up evaluation

For the competition we were running with the people who bought the T-shirts me and Neil created and printed a competion pack consisting of prints of the T-shirt illustrations plus a California map that didn't make it onto the T-shirt created by Daria along with a sticker pack of some quirky and fun cone of chip stickers that Me and Neil designed in some different color variations using the blue color to establish and distinguish the brand throughout. The final sticker was a keep repping sticker me and Niell created intended for T-shirts but due to time scales and budget we went with a sticker pack.

Here is the images that will be used for the prints and sticker packs. 

It all came together quite nicely I thought bringing back the tracing paper gift wrap we tried out before which were intended for the T-shirts for the stall. But due to cost we decided to scrap this idea and use it as a bespoke design element for the competition pack. 

I am happy with the final results from running this stall, we did manage to sell out of the T-shirts raising around £140 for Skatepal which was good. It proved we went viral in that sense with the T-shirts selling out. I think this was due to the strong promotions we carried out with print media and social media methods getting the word out there to a wide audience, and also me sending an email to be forwarded on to the whole college informing them of the stall. 

But the competition pack we run didnt go so well, everyone bought a T-shirt but the idea was for people to post photos on our instagram page wearing there T-shirt in unique locations. We had no submissions to this, I think this is because we didnt really push this element of the project very far. We just put a tag in with the T-shirt in with the details and a short tweet and facebook message reminding people. If we pushed the competition a lot more maybe we would have got a few submissions and gone viral on the social media side of things, although we did get a large amount of followers on the instagram, twitter and facebook page combined so this provide we succeeded in this area I guess. 

The things we did best on this were the promotion and the running of the stall, this all went really well.
The girls produced some really nice T-shirts that people were obviously attracted to buy which was good.

Really loved the quirky sticker set me and Neil made too, these were one of my favourite elements too it to round things of nicely with the chips in the cone really carrying through our brand name with unique and aesthetically pleasing visuals. Loved the different materials and print methods I used too using tracing paper and stickers so our groups name and style was portrayed through many different mediums. 

I myself carried out all print promotion, some social media promoition, the competition pack, the instagram page and the sending of the chain mail but wasn't available for the stall due to illness wich I wasnt happy about so obviously if I could do the project again I would hope to be there for all stages of the project. 

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