Wednesday 5 March 2014

T-shirt wrap & Printed media & T-shirt mockups

T-shirt wrap & Printed media & T-shirt mockups

It was agreed that to add a more exclusive visual finish to the sold merchandise. If it proves cost effective we will sell the merchandise wrapped in this, possible thoughts at the moment are to use tracing paper to cut down print costs. Using the logo repeated with the skate pal tagline displays the merging between the charity and our design collaboration. 

Today we began to print the printed media. Here is a mockup of the printed media on the 2 paper stocks we tried out. We agree that antique white is the best stock to go with due to the stronger contrast so this will be used for the T-shirt tags swell. We like the idea of using the tracing paper to wrap the T-shirt in. But due to cost's of the tracing paper prints been 50p per T-shirt this was seen as an unnecessary cost so we decided that this wrap would be used for the limited edition merchandise pack the hashtag competition winner receives. 

Looks ok wrapped, like the aesthetic of the opacity of the tracing paper with the tag been vaguely visible underneath. The wrapping looks a little awkward and forced though, it doesn't look very presentable and neat. 

Tried wrapping the ends. Interestingly looks like a hot dog wrapper now which has obvious loose conceptual links with the term "salt & sauce" but out company and charity calibration doesn't really communicate food? So unsure on this aesthetic of wrapping will probably go with a more clean and concise fold/wrap with the competition winners pack of merchandise. 

Printed media for advertising purposes on doors and obvious locations were students can view the information. Quite like how the blue shades work together too. Doesn't create so much contrast though on this door though so some posters will be placed in higher contrast backgrounds. 

T-shirt tags all printed out, printed these out on the laser printer to cut down on costs though and the shade of blue is a little brighter compared to the pastel tone in the digital inkjet print. But we quite liked this lighter tonal range. 

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