Monday 3 March 2014

Promotion material development (poster)

Promotion material development (poster)

The final stage of promotion was to create the poster, this would be uploaded through the social networking sites as well as placed around the college so needed to be eye catching, I presented the examples of research I found forward with my intended concept but the group favored the Panopoticon poster.

They agreed with my idea of drawing viewers in through the bright geometric shapes and strong colour contrasts, it was mentioned the limit of colors though which I forgot, so I will only be able to use the blue shade we have, black and white/paper stock. It was agreed that the colors could really communicate California and its sunny beaches and colorful community connotations. 

A cool suggestion inspired by one of Daria's T-shirt designs would be to make the geometric shapes follow the shape of the Calafornia map. So this is one idea I intend to work towards.

I began playing about with my coloured squares to present an abstract representation of the map. The image  on its own looked good, but the clarity and the accuracy of the logo clashed with the robustness of the map. I could have always made the logo smaller but this was a main focus of the visual. I feel if the imagery was restricted to the corner of the poster frame it would work better due to the square elements having something to sit parallel too (edges of paper). But as it is here it just doesn't work. 

Tried this geometric idea out but it looked far too much like a table cloth and didn't give me much opportunity to use type legibly on it. 

The next idea was to use the negative of the California map but the map wasn't legible, it wasn't easy to tell what it was supposed to represent due to confusing illusion from the multiple square pattern. 

For the above ideas I was working with the image before type, this made it hard for me to figure out were the type elements would go so I tried creating designs with type first. This was working much better, even as it stands now as a type one composition it works well, theres a nice balance between the typographic elements and the negative space. It gives the viewers eye space to take in the information in a concise and precise way with no fatigue from heavy visual elements. 

Body copy was added explaining the fundraising event, the typeface used was Univers(Sans serif), I like how neutral Univers is, I wanted the typography to be extremely legible and clean and this typeface worked perfectly. The clean cut use of typography creates a quite corporate feel to the composition, this is good as having playful type doesn't really communicate the seriousness of charities. The simple contrasting blue elements work good within the composition, the blue elements top and bottom keep the eye moving around the page. The varying pt sizes and weights draws attention into significant important pieces of information, the header due to the large pt size and uppercase glyphs and the date coming in second through a heavier weight Univers. 

Underlining the date brought the eye in more, it was important to make clear when the date would be as it would be a 1 day only event. And the addition of the twitter & Instagram handles gave direction for people to access the digital social media section of our charity scheme. And also the way we plan on going viral. 

Minute adjustments within type layout to perfect the aesthetics and legibility of the information. 

Playing about with were the logo could be positioned, left aligned doesn't work though, creates too much white space within the balance of type and negative space.

Too much space at the bottom of the composition now, top heavy visual composition and looks more like a letterhead now. 

Made some aesthetic changes to the map drawing, created a right angle and flat top to the map to sit parallel with the Cap height and the vertical guidelines of the glyphs. The 45 degree angle also cut nicely between the date and through the body copy.

Presented here is the digital file, this is what will be posted on the social media sites but I plan on using an off white or grey stock for the printed media. I like the strong contrast within the bright white and blue but I feel the pastel shade of blue would compliment better with a more pastel/neutral background. I also like how the map and the logo create an exclamation mark. An interesting aesthetic that has a certain "loudness" concept too it in a subtle abstract aesthetic. The style here will be carried out into the T-shirt tags. 

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