Tuesday 21 January 2014

Applying Colour theory

Applying Colour theory

Today we began applying our basic understanding off color theory into practice. These types of tasks help us to train are eye to how colors work in varying contexts. For this task we are to distinguish the varying types off contrast within color depending on the contrast of tone, contrast of hue, contrast of saturation, contrast of extension, contrast of temperature, complimentary contrasts and simultaneous contrast. 

We are also picking up on we're we left on color matching with pantone swatches.

The paper stock used in this task was uncoated, a matte/flat paper absorbs the light rather than reflecting it and changing the visual hue. The chromatic value of a matte paper has very low levels of luminance. 

The most visible contrast here is the contrast of hue, due to there different chromatic values a contrast is created, the further the colors are apart on the color wheel a larger contrast appears. The hues green and yellow are adjacent on the color wheel so could also be seen as a complimentary contrast.

I see this as a simultaneous contrast, the combination of the 2 color values create a visual vibration.

Contrast of tone due to the 2 colors sharing the same hue. The object is of a darker tone which contrasts with the lighter tone. It could also be a contrast of saturation through the juxtaposition off a light and dark value. 

I see this as a contrast of hue, the tonal values appear similar and merge together when the object is applied on the paper. The obvious contrast coming from the two different hues, its quite a subtle contrast to be fair. 

I see this as a contrast of temperature, the orange is a quite heated color and the green contrasts with coolness and freshness. Green and orange are perceptual opposites on the color wheel thus causing a contrast of complimentary but this isn't as obvious as the temperature contrast.

The tonal value of red and orange I perceive to be quite similar so I would say there is a contrast of saturation going on here, the red is a dark value and the orange a lighter value. 

Obvious one here, a contrast of primary hues. 

Another obvious one to me I perceive this as a simultaneous contrast due to the illusion off vibrations from the 2 differing hues. 

Same hue in conjunction with each other, the chromatic values are different though but only slightly I see this as a contrast of saturation. The 2 colors have different luminance values through the light and dark values, the candle been the slightly darker value. 

This has two obvious contrasts, contrast off complimentary's and contrast of hues through the primary color contrasts.

I would say this is a contrast of hue in its most obvious sense, it has also got contrasts of light and dark tones though, the purple color been perceived as quite dark on the lightness off the orange paper stock.

Two similar hues are presented here, been next 2 each other on the color wheel near enough. Both hues appear quite dark in tone so this isn't an obvious contrast, so I would say its a contrast of saturation of each color, the purple is quite heavily saturated while the blue has less saturation in its chromatic values.

I found this difficult to decide on but ended up coming to the conclusion of a contrast of hue as there is a fair distinct between the color values of purple and green.

An obvious generic complimentary color, both purple and yellow been fully opposite each other on the color wheel. This causes a contrast of hue through complimentary colors. 

Both these values are similar in tonal value due to similarities in chromatic values of hue, the addition of purple on a red background creates an overall dark tone creating a subtle contrast. The contrast I would go with is the contrast of saturation, the red as a hue to me is perceived as a lighter value compared to the darker more saturated purple hue. 

To prepare us for a task on color theory we selected our own 4 objects to play about with in context of the background sheets. For this task we need to talk about what contrasts are going on.

Pantone mach the items and background sheets. 

Recreate the visuals into a photoshop representation.

Compare and discuss the differences between the hues and the chromatic values of the printed images from the photoshop reproductions (CMYK) and the physical color experiments screen displayed (RGB). Taking into account how light has effected the representation in the photographs off the physical color experiments.

Finally manipulate the photoshop color representations playing about with things like duotones, monotones, greyscaling, saturation levels, hue levels, tone levels and whatever else I feel I could play about with.

Pantone codes for the paper:
Blue - 7458 U
Red - 193 U
Orange - 152 U
Yellow - 609 U
Green - 376U 80% Tint

DE 99-1 C Coated

DE 271-1 C Coated

DE 184-3 C Coated

DE 1-7 U Uncoated

Contrast of hue would be the most obvious, but due to the volume of the sponge there is a certain contrast of extension going on, the volume off the sponge creates quite an even balance between the color values of green and yellow even though the sponge is smaller due to the strong contrast this alteration of balance occurs. 

Light effects how the color is perceived on uncoated and coated items, both these items are matte so the color appears quite flat in its tone due to no reflections from light sources altering the colors chromatic values. 

The photoshop mockups of the items on the paper stocks don't suffer from light interfering with the color values. The colors presented are pure and completely flat with no depth to be perceived through shadowing and light levels. This in turn emulates very vibrant shades and compared to there physical counterparts the photoshop representations appear to have more luminance.

This mockup displays the same type of contrast but the tonal values seem to contrast more on this, only slightly though due to the increase in saturation in the yellow block. 

Obvious contrast of primary hues going on here.

This example really does change from its physical counterpart, the contrast off the yellow and the blue is much greater, the yellow element appears much lighter in its tonal value when displayed on the flat blue background creating a much stronger contrast off the primary hues. 

Same hues presented together, but the lightness in the sponge creates a contrast of tone between the paper and the sponge. The Paper appears much darker. 

The contrast of tone here is again more obvious due to no light interfering in the photoshop mockup. The yellow "item" appears much lighter in tone to its background compared to the contrast of the above physical example. 

Not sure what went on here but there is a tint of green happening in the sponge, not sure if this is from the combination off red and green been a similantaneuos contrast or because they are perceptual opposites on the color wheel. Il go with a contrast of hue here though. 

I mentioned above that light really effected the photograph somehow, a green tint was perceived on the sponge above and the tone of the red seemed very dark, maybe the light levels in the room dropped. But the bellow example is very different to the above, I don't really see a simultaneous contrast anymore, mainly a primary contrast of hue now the true pure colors are presented.

Another contrast of hue going on here, the orange appears a darker tone in conjunction with the light tonal values of the sponge. The saturations of the yellow are quite low too apposed too the luminance and high saturated orange. 

The above photo has dark tones due to light levels but the bellow presents a much lighter perception of the yellow item and the colors seem slightly desaturated and lightly tinted but still have a stronger contrast of hue than the above photograph. 

I see this as a contrast of hue, the tonal range is quite similar between the two same with saturation levels. 

The finish on the item here could be described as satin, so it is semi reflective as you can see the curves on the item present darker light as the light reflects off the item and shadows off at the top creating dark tones and darkening off the background paper swell. 

Compared to the above the purple seems a lighter tone when it is presented on the red background, this creates a less obvious contrast of hue due to the tones been simmered down.

Contrast of tone, the purple appears much darker on the yellow hue creating a strong contrast of light and dark tones.

This contrast of tone is even more obvious in the pure color outcome, the lightness off the hue yellow emphasizes the dark tones off the purple making it have much more luminance and vibrancy. 

I see this as a contrast of saturation, the tonal contrast is there but the vibrance and luminance in the purple is brought forward due to the low saturated pastel shaded blue background. 

The tonal differences here are quite minimal, even though the blue has more volume I feel an even balance of color presence through the extension of color value. I feel this is due to the similar tonal values off the colors and the purple been slightly more saturated with color so this saturation of color perceives the purple to be more obvious outweighing its obvious smaller size comparison to the background color. 

I feel a light source has effected this here as the vibrance and luminous of the green paper has increased, but from what I see I say that the contrast is that off saturation, the green paper been heavy saturated and the purple object been lower saturated this in turn creating a contrast in tone between the lightness off the paper and darkness of the object.

The shade off the green appears much darker in contrast to the tonal value off the purple, this contrast is a strange one due to the small purple element creating a sense off extension of color, even though its smaller it appears more obvious.

I see these two objects to be quite luminance together creating a simultaneous contrast. 

I still stand by on what I said, i feel a vibration off the color purple when its centrally placed, the edges seem to blur and vibrate. 

Contrast of tone due to the 2 colors sharing the same hue. The object is of a darker tone which contrasts with the lighter tone. It could also be a contrast of saturation through the juxtaposition off a light and dark value. 

The finish on this item is quite glossy, reflecting light which creates dark tonal values in some spots on the item due to an uneven surface, with a bright strip of light reflecting from a direct light source creating a light tonal value. 

I feel the light levels has really presented the above object to be quite light in its tone, the pantone swatch used from the above in the photoshop representation is actually very dark in essence so the contrast of tone is even greater in the photoshop example.

I see this as a contrast of hue, the tonal values appear similar and merge together when the object is applied on the paper. The obvious contrast coming from the two different hues, its quite a subtle contrast to be fair. 

A stronger contrast of hue is present here due to the pureness off the colors which fixes the above problem off the 2 hues merging together through there tonal values in the above image (Physical photo)

The most visible contrast here is the contrast of hue, due to there different chromatic values a contrast is created, the further the colors are apart on the color wheel a larger contrast appears. The hues green and yellow are adjacent on the color wheel so could also be seen as a complimentary contrast.

This complimentary contrast is even more obvious here, the tonal range of the yellow and green is quite similar so these 2 colors and there tones work quite well in harmony. 

I see this as a simultaneous contrast, the combination of the 2 color values create a visual vibration.

Again this simultaneous color contrast is obvious here but more due to the prunes off the color, the light shade of red creates a more obvious tonal contrast though between the green item and its background. 

I see this as a contrast of temperature, the orange is a quite heated color and the green contrasts with coolness and freshness. Green and orange are perceptual opposites on the color wheel thus causing a contrast of complimentary but this isn't as obvious as the temperature contrast.

Due to the more neutral chromatic value off the orange I feel it loses its "heat" so no longer does this display a contrast off temperature I feel it  benefits from a contrast off complimentary colors. 

The following images are going to show examples of contrast of extension due to the volume of the item contrasting on the backgrounds, I will take this into account and concentrate on other contrasts but if its the most obvious I will obviously chose this as the contrast that shouts out the most. 

Obvious contrasts of hues through the primaries.

This item suffered from light changes the most, due to the folds and creases in the bag there was elements of dark tones were shadowing appeared from the folds and light tonal values from raised elements that reflected the light source.

Contrast of extension is the big one here as mentioned above, the red really does outweigh the yellow even more in the photoshop example. This is due to the volume of the actually color sample. 

The same hue is presented here with contrasting tonal values, the item been heavy saturated and dark with the paper been very desaturated and lightly tinted creating an obvious tonal contrast. 

Even though there is a large volume off the red item I don't see a huge contrast of extension here, I see a more subtle contrast coming from a slight tonal contrast of light and dark, the item been off a mud darker tint compared to its desaturated background. 

Again an obvious contrast of hue through primaries, the tonal range is quite similar here the vibrance of both items carry similar luminance values. 

Still an obvious contrast of primary hues, but the tone of the red seems lighter now in conjunction with the blue background. 

A clash of color here creates a feeling off simultaneous  contrast. 

An even more obvious simultaneous color contrast is going on here, the tonal range is quite similar though compared to the above were there was more of a contrast of tone.

The final analysis here is to me a contrast of saturation, the color values present similar tonal ranges the differences been here the saturation of color the bag has high luminance through heavy saturation of red which creates a dark tone which contrasts on the lighter toned desaturated orange background.

As above a contrast of saturation is apparent here, but the tone off the red appears much darker through its shade been perceived darker compared to the desaturated lighter toned orange background. 

Manipulations off color sample reproductions.
Taking a handful off color sample reproductions I began to play around with photoshop manipulations.


Standard greyscale mode change. Lost all chromatic value and less contrast applies now, the tonal range/differences isn't as vast as the above. 

Increased contrast within greyscale mode to create a stronger contrast of tone. 


-65 Saturation. Color becomes pastel and tertiary  losing there chromatic value and becoming more neutral create a more subtle contrast of color. I do like these soft pastel colors though. 

 +100 saturation of the above. A stronger contrast was applied by saturating the above colors creating a large contrast the green stands out a lot more now through contrast of extension, the luminance of the high saturated green really does overpower the yellow object placed central on the background


Panton Medium Blue monotone edit. By adding a monotone the hues become the same, but have near opposite tonal values, the background is very light and desaturated with the central object been very vibrant and strong toned. A contrast of tone has been created now.


-150 brightness, +60hue, +10 saturation. By lowering the brightness and altering the hue the color has lost a lot of its original chromatic values and become very neutral and dark in tone. The hues as above have stayed the same and the tonal range is similar only instead of bright vibrant colors the tonal contrast comes from neutral brown shades. 

-150 brightness of original. Same as above there is still a tonal contrast obvious but the color value off the hue red has began to turn towards the tertiary side losing chromatic value. 


Random playing about with levels bars. Playing about with the levels created a vast change off the chromatic value within the yellow square. The Background image became heavily saturated with intense red values and all color was lost in the square somehow. This created a very obvious contrast off both tone and hue, an obvious light tone from the white box contrasting with the vibrancy and the brightness off the red background. 

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