Wednesday 15 January 2014

Layout ideas

Layout ideas

Taking inspiration from my layout research in the form off the simplistic user friendly blogs and the clean centered branding I have created these rough thumbnails.
The first 2 pages will be for the opening page.

The bellow page ideas for the individual parts page, this will be mainly inspired by the main page though. 

Bellow is an idea for the layout concept, it will change orientation depending on how the user choses to view the  app so layout for both landscape and portrait has been considered. There are 2 main layout styles I want to try out, overlaying type over the image or keeping the type separate from the image. Overlaying the type over may hinder legibility off the type or hide the imagery, but I want to try combine the both as I feel this will create a nice contrast between the analogue imagery and the crispness of the digital type. This goes back to my concept used in the layout of combination of traditional and modern elements but through the use of imagery and type rather than sans serif and serif typefaces. 

I think separating the element is going to work the best though, I learnt from the blogs I looked at that interactive interfaces need to be user friendly and simple to use, and keeping composition elements minimal and having no distracting elements is the key. And as I want the focus to be on the image itself within the hierarchy of the construction I feel this would be the best layout composition to use. There maybe the addition of stats bars at in the composition somewhere to add a statistic to the information provided which will be more a use of technical language and terms. The stats bar will serve as a sort off info-graphic.

At the moment in time I am considering sans serif typefaces and a whole greyscale scheme, I may add a color element in somewhere to add depth to the design. 

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