Monday 20 January 2014

F1 Final Spreads & Evaluation

F1 Final Spreads & Evaluation

Presented here are my final spreads based on the concept off presenting the contrast between modern and traditional. The ideas was to represent traditional and modern F1 engineering through minimalist influenced use of type & image, using color schemes to represent famous F1 drivers and F1 branding as a whole throughout and the color off the racetrack I achieved this. The use of traditional drawn images combined with digital typesetting and layout emulates traditional and modern, as does the use of a traditional influenced serif typeface (Minion Pro) contrasting with a minimal and accurate sans serif typeface (Avenir).  
(Different shades of grey are shown here but this isn't the case in actual printing)

Overall I am happy with the final outcomes, I was asked to produce 5 double page spreads to represent my chosen research subject. The research was to inform my visual responses. I feel I did inform my work around my research and the use of color, layout and type choice to me represents F1. It does this through its minimalist and accurate type setting emulating the technical engineering that is commonly known within F1. The use of color is based on F1 branding with the grey been inspired by the racetrack itself (Asphalt). Finally the typeface choice is a contrast of serif and sans serif as mentioned to represent traditional and modern F1 elements, this works from the outset when 2 legends are introduced one who is current one who is passed away. This sets the pace for the consistent concept derived from this first page all the way through the other spreads. 

I have never really used indesign to the extent I did so getting used to working to a grid system was difficult at first but I feel the skills I have been introduced through workshop and self development will benefit me greatly in upcoming projects as I feel working to a grid is a much more successful means off putting down accurate and constant layouts, using grids also gives you the ability to play about more with more direction rather than random applications of type & image. So once I overcome the daunting task of making bodies of text work with the use of negative space I started to enjoy the task of layout design. It was a good opportunity to begin using simple type hierarchy, I did this by including high impact words by using bolder fonts to draw the eye in to significant information. 

As mentioned I struggled with using large bodies off text and making it legible and not making the peg too full, it was more of a case off what was left out than what was put in. I learnt that filling the page wasn't always a good thing, leaving unneeded things out cleared up clutter and created balance between negative space and used space within the use off type & image. 

Font choice was a struggle, with so many different fonts to chose from I was struggling to find ones that fit my intended design well. I am pretty happy with the use of Avenir and Minion Pro but I feel with more experimentation I could have found better typefaces and this is something I will do in future projects, experiment with type choices more. 

Other things I would change would be the use of image, I was worried about using too high impact images as creating a visually heavy composition would draw attention away from text which is the main source of information not the image, so experimentation with how far I can go with the "impact" and size of images used would be good.  Also looking how small and subtle these image additions could be without disappearing so to speak would be interesting too. I Will be digitally printing this due to time allowances, but I feel the quality of screen printing would benefit this publication giving me the opportunity for nicer paper stocks and the use off screen printing would have more traditional connotations which would strengthen my concept off traditional and modern issues within F1. 

But as I said Im happy with my outcomes and had good feedback from this and for the first examples off layout design I feel I did reasonably well and look forward too more in-depth layout design and could see publishing and book making been an interest to me.

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