Saturday 11 January 2014

Further layout ideas

Further layout ideas

After my interim crit I felt the need to look into a different presentation off the information in a High impact kind of way and created a few sketches off how the pages and the layout could look with the single use of a sans serif typeface as suggested in the interim crit. 

I know a sketch doesn't give an accurate representation but the bold elements that I included within the surround off the header and the circular page numbering system create too much of a high impact throughout the layout. If it was digital the clarity and crispness off the letterforms and vector 3D surround would most certainly create a very high impact outcome. This goes away from the subtly and technical accuracy I wanted to maintain to represent the mechanics and engineering in F1. 

I like this left aligned header page with the bold surround this could work with the sans serif font but again as mentioned the bold element and 3D effect doesn't simulate the accuracy and precision I wanted to show. This is an edited version of the suggestion in the interim crit to create a centre justified 3 row block of text for the header. The use of 3 rows creates a more visible "block" of text creating impact and drawing the eye in. 

The centre justified attempt that was suggested in the crit i carried out in a a mock up shown bellow. I do like this a lot better and this is the system I want to carry on using throughout the rest of my layouts. Experimentation with color still needs to be used to sway away from the "downtown abbey" feedback i received on the color scheme. 

Here is the digital mockup of the above to progress from. I know feedback suggested to lose the sans serif but I feel with the right color choice the combination off sans serif and serifs will work as intended to create contrast of traditional and modern aspects. The mention in the crit of how my minimal layout presents cleanliness made me think more into the use of color to strengthen this feeling off "cleanliness". What I need to do next is play about with color schemes to emulate F1 more as a whole through the layout or change the scheme depending on the page spread content. Like for the statistics page it was suggested to use the team colors on a 50/50 split based on Senna and Vettel. This consideration of color for individual spreads needs to be informed by the content of the pages. But i feel keeping a consistent color scheme throughout with consistent type choices will benefit the concept off accuracy derived from the engineering and mechanics off F1. The way in which the layout is placed around the chosen final grid will be the only thing that changes.

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