Thursday 9 January 2014

Layout ideas and development

Layout ideas and development

Bellow are 12 initial rough sketches inspired by my layout research and thoughts on an accurate and simplistic layout to emulate the mechanics of F1 engineering. The thought off contrasting traditional and modern will be emulated in the digital stages through use off color and type choice. 

The layouts I have displayed have a range of grids from 2x2 modular too 4x6 modulars. Single columns, 2 columns and 3 columns. I have found that for versatility modular grids seem to benefit more, but when there isn't many elements to worry about a single column can be used to keep things super clean and efficient. 

My digital development derived from the bottom left image on the first page. I would also like to create further sketches off the 2x2 grid on the second page 2nd sketch down. This could create an interesting style with high impact elements through the use of bold lines inspired from my visual research. 

Example of grid in action with Minion pro and Avenir been used in varying weights, types and sizes to create contrast of modern and traditional elements. The use off the pastel brown shade too me connotes traditional elements too which works well with the contrasting lines used in the statistics and number paging system and the title on the first page. This use of lines creates a feeling off accuracy that is used to emulate the mechanics and engineering side off F1. I swatch the brown into the type elements to keep the eye moving to simulate movement which has obvious connotations and relevance within F1. 

Screen display off double page spread. At this stage I am happy with the layout positioning and feel the type setting with the serif fonts works well, I'm not 100% on the sans serif Avenir though I feel there maybe a sans serif that works better along side Minion Pro. A small degree off tracking was added to the headers and "statistics" to create a more legible distinction off individual glyphs to maintain readability and that feeling off pin point accuracy. The use of a bold Minion Pro font in THE LEGEND creates a high impact and again contrast between a current sports hero and a past sports hero. The same idea of contrasting old and new. 

Further thoughts at the moment is the minimal use off space but after my crit I hope this is put to rest or a solution generated from feedback.

Further more detailed sketches are to be created off the above and the previously mentioned 2x2 grids. Sketching things out gives me quicker means off producing layout mock ups and is a method I find better than just jumping straight onto the computer.

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