Wednesday 22 January 2014

Ipad App finals & evaluation

Ipad App finals & evaluation

Bellow is the app in simulation on an iPad and the corresponding pages based on a point & click interactive system, the user will click the highlighted red 'i's to zoom in to a more detailed shot off that particular part. 

I am happy with the final outcome to a certain extent. Overall it works, its legible through the simplistic use off type & image, easy to use within its interactivity, structured and consistent throughout the layouts and has very detailed imagery that work well with the technical tone of voice explanations off the parts. 

Issues I had through the creation of this was type size, limited space for positioning type & image, and the problem off "empty" looking compositions. To overcome the type size problem I created the app on an iPad, a much larger surface area gave me a better opportunity to use larger pt size type to aid in readability of the information presented, the detail within the images could be viewed more too which was good. Through the use of an iPad template I was no longer limited in space for positioning type & image, I achieved a better balance between negative space and filled space. This still didn't overcome my feelings off the design looking too empty  I feel the first page works well but the description pages have a little bit too much negative space when body copy is limited. To overcome this problem I could have framed up the top and bottom off the page somehow by using navigation bars or interactive tabs so this would be something to consider in future app designs.

But as this was my first time at creating an app, or a mock up off an app I feel I did ok but have a lot to learn so in future instead of looking into visual research on physical layouts and website layouts I need to look into actual considered and well designed app designs. 

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