Monday 20 January 2014

F1 Spread Development

F1 Spread Development

After taking certain elements of advice from the crit into further stages off sketching and digital mock ups I began to create a final selection of spreads based on changes in color scheme, playing about with type, and type positioning in a set grid to main consistency throughout. 

The layout of the first spread was pretty established from the interim crit feedback been positive on its minimalism and type positioning. Here I carried out the idea of using team colors within the composition in a 50:50 split i chose to do this within the titles as this seemed most relevant as each color represents each racer. 
Red derived from Senna's red race gear, yellow & blue came from the Red Bull logo Vettal has within the majority of his clothing and livery design. A prominent sponsor linked with Vettal. 

Wasn't really keen on the use of 2 different colors within the titles it felt messy and lost consistency which is what I wanted the most. It was suggested to look into F1 branding colors, the branding on F1 so happens to be black and red, which worked out well as the red bull logo has red in, vestals uniform is also red. So I could subconsciously combine the 2 color inspirations to represent the same thing. The use off a grey hue works well with the use off red type it contrasts nicely and appears modern and takes away the old novel feel the brown was giving off. The use of grey is inspired by the asphalt on the race tracks. The use of white space with elements off red also simulates the chicanes on the corners of racetracks, this wasn't an intention it was something a friend and fellow F1 fan pointed out.

The next spread I incorporated the same centre justified title type setting with the incorporation of the ampersand been consistent throughout most spreads. I see the shape off this glyph as quite traditional which works with the serif font its typeset in. This maintains the contrast off modern and traditional to emulate the contrast of Eras within F1. 

I start out with no color to help me figure out the layout. Using one column of text as the body copy isn't very lengthy within line length. 

Using the enter bar as a spacing method created too much off a gap so i manually entered a line spacing off 3mm this works well.

Playing about in the columns and rows off the grid to create a more abstract layout but it doesn't really work, looks too lost with all the negative space too the right and bellow the 2 text boxes. 

Tried incorporating the use off 3 columns in a centered positioning of the body copts. (Centre too the header on the first page along the horizontal central spine off the page) This worked better but the lines felt too lengthy creating too much contrast off negative space between the top half of the page and the bottom.

Back to the centre alignment and better use of the negative space and better balance achieved. 

But I wanted too play about with different arrangements in the grid for each layout. This didn't work though looked very unbalanced.

Beginning to work but too much negative space at the bottom off the page. 

Added another piece of text in there and balance is restored with the negative space in the composition. 

Trying out an alternative way off adding the red element into the layout, this creates too much impact on an irrelevant section of type.

This works perfect, red is quite high impact and with its use on minimal glyphs it doesn't cause too much distraction and impact away from the text that is supposed too be read. I will use this throughout the rest off the layouts (Red page number)

My initial intention was to present the 100 image off car design I collected for the research presentation, but felt it would be a little heavy in terms of visual content wich doesn't really flow well with the rest off the minamil elements in the previous compositions. Here is what the header would have looked like, with emphasis been placed on the "100" through Minion Pro in Bold.

Having created images for a digital App on F1 I thought id make use off these blueprint style traditional drawings as they will work perfect with the concept off accuracy (to represent engineering) and minimalism (simple line art). It also works with the idea of contrasting traditional with modern, in this sense digital type and layout with traditional image incorporation. 

Doesn't look too good too visually heavy.

Nearly there but looks unbalanced in terms off positioning now, could have done with another side on image off an F1 car from the 50s to show the change in eras. Shame i didn't have time for this or I would defiantly include it. 

Settled with the central horizontal positioning off the F1 car with a small tag, the tag doesn't really work with the image though so this is removed.

Playing about with alternative layouts using 2 columns and 1 presenting public opinions and professional opinions. 
 Settled on an even split making use off 2 columns each with one row empty space top and bottom of page leaving a nice balance of negative space, I like the contrast off bold and regular Avenir typesetting. Bold is publics brief pinions regular is the professional opinion.

The final spread sees words derived from mind mapping and common connotations linking with F1 and what its considered too entail. Each word makes use off a single module.

The words look too lost on the page. 

Playing about with alignment to square things up too each other and narrow down the spacing this causes an uneven edge on the centre off the layout and the right hand edge. 

 Made the words semi-bold to add more volume and substance stopping them appearing lost on the page. Took away a row off words and flushed the 3 columns up to the right hand side off the page which works well and using lengthier words created a more solid block off type. 

Presented bellow are the final spreads in there use off a 4x6 modular grid, consistent centre justified headers, red page number and use off Aviner and Minion Pro. 


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