Wednesday 22 January 2014

First draft off App & Final Crit

First draft off App & Final Crit

Ready for the final crit I made a mockup off the interactive Formula 1 app for use on an iPhone. Bellow is what I presented in the crit & the app displayed on an iPhone screen. It may not be obvious from the photos but the quality and the crispness off the type & image is extremely accurate so I feel happy with how it works on a phone and the layout works well with the resolution off the screen. 

A simple single column grid was used for the home screen with a 2 column grid used for the information pages (engine, tires, brakes etc)

Crit feedback was positive on the app as a whole in terms of layout and use of image. What I was concerned about was the minimalism, with it been an app I couldn't add many visual elements too the composition due to clutter and lack off space. So I felt the layouts I presented were a little too "empty". Everyone disagreed on this though and said the style of the blueprint inspired image worked perfect with the minimal layout and use off clean sans serif typography. 

Feedback was extremely positive on my drawings with many suggestions on keeping them for use in other projects or personal projects, which is what I was thinking i really want to screen print these images. It was suggested to make a flick book out off these images so this would be cool if i used screen printed pages. 

In context off the phone it works well, the frame of the phone really locks everything into place leaving a feeling of structure as opposed to a very loose and open feel when the design is just presented with no border the elements of type & image feel lost in my opinion.

I mentioned my difficulty with font choice, as there was a lot of text to display I had to drop the pt size down to 5.5 which in my opinion is far too small, it was readable on screen but thats not to say it would be for anyone who has difficulty viewing on screen text and image. The suggestion was made to mock this up onto an iPad app so this is one main point that I am taking forward. The other point made was on the grey block surround around the type, it wasn't needed so I will be removing this and changing the weight off the header too bold or semi bold. Overall though I was happy with my feedback and don't think creating the app into iPad format will be too much hassle as I already have a layout set, the opportunity of more space to work in may benefit this existing layout too. 

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