Wednesday 22 January 2014

Final App production

Final App production 

Taking the key points off removing the grey surround and the use of a bigger resolution screen I developed the app onto an iPad screen using the existing layout system produced for the iPhone app. Layout inspired by this original sketch for the iPhone app.

I discovered the option of digital publishing templates on indesign which gave me the perfect resolution and dimensions for creating an App layout for an iPad.

Centered the image of the F1 car along a horizontal spine onto the main page using the ruler as a guide. 

Erased the block color surround and used a bold Helvetica weight typeface instead, the sub header "Virtual guide" remained in a regular weight uppercase Helvetica. 

There was too much off an imbalance with negative space either side of the top and bottom off page so I brought the header and sub header in towards the car. This restored balance of negative space, I'm finding it a lot easier to work on this layout due to the opportunity off playing about with more space compared to the limited space in the iPhone app. 

Placing the information highlighters in a contrasting red color, this red color has been brought in from the layout brief as it connotes F1 branding and works well in contrast with the greyscale scheme off this composition. 

Started bringing body copy in, due to having more space I had the opportunity to expand the line spacing bait more to create more readable bodies of text.

Using the same principe off the horizontal spine as a guide for the type and image I created this page layout. Works a lot better with the space around it as opposed the crammed in and constrained elements in the iPhone app. 

In the iPhone app I had to use a light typeface to fit the body copy in the given space, this wasn't needed now and a regular weight fit in much better.  Both the information pages and main page work much better now in these spacial arrangements. 

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