Monday 13 January 2014

Concept interim crit & Plan of action

Concept interim crit & Plan of action

Today we formed small groups to have a discussion on our initial ideas. I presented forward my Top trumps idea and my Magazine article on KERS system, feedback was positive, with people favoring the top trumps idea on engineering and technical details of an F1 car. It was mentioned that there are is a pretty even split between people who are clued up about the technical side of things and ones who are not. I established from the crit feedback that interactivity would be a good way to go to communicate engineering off car elements. By been interactive it sways away from typical diagram style descriptions seen in publications and can be quite boring.

Time scale was a common thing to pop up in the crit and I agreed it would effect me and producing a full top trumps set would be difficult to do. Another idea I got from everyone was to create an iPhone app with interactive explanations of car engineering. This is an idea I am happy to go forward with as top trumps are a little boring and outdated now due to the digital age and with most younger people having smart phones now i can branch out to them with an easy to use digital app. 

The specific target market I would be aiming towards would obviously be F1 fans, but to narrow things down I would be aiming at fans who have interests in the engineering side of it and the technical aspects. Not the ones who just watch it for the racing itself who don't consider everything that goes on in the background.

To sum up the crit I have categorized how i am going to react to the feedback.

Create an app to display car engineering elements in an interactive way. 

Interact elements to be included in a digital outcome. iPhone/smart phone app. Keep things legible and understandable don't overcomplicate the layout with unnecessary elements.

Achievable in time scale?
Yes with careful planing on timescale

F1 fans with interests into technical engineering side off the sport. 

Appropriate for audience?

Inform & Educate.

From this I will create myself a brief to work from and form a plan of action for the week from it to produce the final outcome of a mockup app.

I will be creating a digital app for an iPhone/smartphone aimed at a specific Formula 1 enthusiast, ones who have an interest in the engineering and technical side of the sport.

The gap in my research was the lack off technical information on the engineering side off cars, so what my audience will be shown is the technical side off the engineering of F1 cars within an interactive digital app as means of the delivery system. The app will be an interactive sort of diagram image of a formula one car, the user will select elements to zoom into and obtain more detailed information on that specific part. For example zoom into the wheels and find out technical details off the wheels and gyres etc. Or statistics on grip levels and speed ratings of the tyre. I will plan this out before committing to the visuals. I will present visuals through use of type and image, the image style been analogue drawings in a blueprint style. 

I will be educating and informing the viewer on statistics and technical information on certain elements off a Formula 1 car. They will be responding to an interactive app that they can personally navigate around by zooming in and looking deeper into the engineering off the car. The app itself as mentioned will be interactive through a digital phone app. 

It will be a collection of type based on statistics and technical information combined with imagery from engineering elements like engines and brakes.

The tone of voice will be off a technical nature, with language and statistics inspired by vocabulary used in Formula 1. The language and texts used will also be very informative to educate the viewer.

Plan of action
Monday 13th January: Gather inspiration to inform layout, type and image. Form a rough plan off the apps navigation and interactivity. 

Tuesday 14th January: Create rough thumbnails off layout ideas for the app. Begin making illustrations off the F1 car and elements from source imagery in research.

Wednesday 15th January: Cary on making illustrations off the F1 car and elements from source imagery in research. Start putting together the mock up of the app. 

Thursday 16th January: Complete the mock up off the app.

Friday 17th January: Print mock up off the app. Present work in final crit and note down any suggested amendments to make.

Saturday 18th January: Carry out any amendments 

Monday 20th - Wednesday 22nd January: Carry on making amendments from crit feedback and produce a final polished up mock up off the App for module hand in.

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