Wednesday 23 April 2014

Format choice for todo list/calendar system

Format choice for todo list/calendar system

After taking forward my crit feedback and going ahead trying to figure out how I will create a calendar & todo system for either individual students or for the studio as a whole.

Due to time, and cost I decided to go with a todo list/calendar system that the whole studio could make use off to help them manage there time, so they can all mark down there deadlines, crit dates, notes, and there important information on a week by week basis all which will benefit them and help them manage there time as a group rather than as individuals. 

I experimented how I could encorporate a todo list in with a calendar style wall planner for the months September to May. It was hard been able to fit all them individual days in with room for writing notes on.
I did some very rough sketches of how the months could be broken down, I chose 3 different types, horizontal columns, a grid system, or 6 months by 6 months on 2 rows. All ideas still wouldn't allow much room to write notes within the days and weeks though. 

1 idea to combat this would be to incorporate a large amount of individual todo lists attached to the wall planner  by attaching a holder to the wall planner (left hand sketch). These could then be pinned to what This would work but not sure how well the construction would hold up when mounted on a wall, the stock the wall planner would need to be thick and ridged so the weight of the todo lists in there container wouldn't sag the wall planner down.

The idea Im going to take forward into more detailed sketches is the idea on the bottom left, going back to my original intentions of creating individual to do lists with a week calendar system within it. But this time instead of giving it out to individuals on a smaller scale which wouldn't allow for many notes to be added I will be creating an A3 sized system to go onto the studio wall were all the students can input notes onto it so they can all help benefit each other with time management as a group. 

Here is a rough idea how it will look, individual week sheets with the dates of that week displayed and the week number, 40 of these will be produced for months September to June when all work will be handed in. I need to look into ways in which it could be bound, a chunky industrial style bind with bolts or metal sheet would be cool and suit the style of the studio. 

Another construction method idea, a little like a notepad with a flip down cover, using a thicker coloured paper stock to bring in a contrasting colour element to the calendar idea. 
Incorporating perforated edges to tear off each week, an elastic strap to hold the front cover shut. 

An extra addition to the calendar system to add an interactive aspect (As mentioned in development ideas) too it would to create icons/markers to highlight important dates. So instead of writing things in a unique sort of language will be created to translate important dates into these icons. 

Another idea was to create a panorama wall chart, the long length and narrow height format would allow me a little more room to add my calendar system while still allowing space for a todo list, it would need to be created on some sort of laminated material though so the todo list could be wiped clean, this is were the previous idea of having individual week sheet prevails as its a much more efficient system. Finding a whiteboard material this large would be difficult and screen printing onto something this format would be even harder, as screen printing would be the only method I could use to place my design onto the stock. I could laminate some printed stock though as I mentioned in the crit review.

Placement in the studio would also be difficult, due to the length its a little awkward trying to fit it anywhere.  

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