Monday 7 April 2014

Rationale for speaking from experience & enhanced plan of action

Rationale for speaking from experience & enhanced plan of action

From the previous list of possible areas to explore I felt the one that I could produce a substantial piece of work from was a solution based on Time management and how to break down a brief. These will be the main factors of the brief but give opportunity for many underlying aspects to strengthen the outcome.

The aspect of time management gives me opportunities to explore possible ways in which I can create an interactive sort of schedule for students to work too. As mentioned previous this schedule could be like a calendar system were tasks/jobs can be input into week slots, day slots, hour slots, or even minute slots. 
The possibility of including blank checklists/to do lists for students to work too would be included in this solution too if possible.

This interactive element of managing time can also be backed up with tips and tricks on how to be productive with your time. Tips on how diet can enhance productivity, I will think about the use of color and its subconscious effects of enhancing creativity within the design solution the students will be viewing. Tips on other aspects to cut down time within the design process like keyboard shortcuts in design applications, quick references on important design terminology's to aid as a quick source of information when analyzing and describing work. 

The other main element of the solution will be the break down of a brief, I have found through my first year that I have ended up following a set style when carrying out a brief. The reasearch stages, the idea generation stages, development stages etc. I will break this down into allocated time slots for the student to work against if it pleases them.

Tone of voice will be relatively conversational and not very serious in its language as the product I am designing is there to aid and help not to confuse so un-nessary complicated language doesn't need to be used. 

The purpose of the design solution I create will be to help the student out, informing them and educating them of easy ways to stay productive. Helping them organize there time in an engaging and interactive way. I feel if i create this design solution well It will prove as an aid for students to work towards to help manage there time, waste less time doing the wrong things and spend more time doing beneficial things, balance there social life with university life, lower stress levels, create better work outcomes and create a more enjoyable transition into the degree program. 

Plan of action
I will explore possibilities of a digital format for the students maybe a CD with a sort of interactive system on it but Im not sure how achievable this is? Or print based media, I haven't thought much into the design stages yet so what format this print material would be is not decided yet. 

To influence the underlying concept of my idea I will start thinking of ideas in which I can present and contain these aspects of time management and brief guides within. Thoughts at the moment are booklets with mini calendars in, wall charts, calendars, diaries, digital calendars on CDs. I will research into similar design solutions to inspire these ideas. 

Once this is decided I will start to think about the aesthetic side of things, to influence this I will look into some examples of effective design from blogs, books and everyday aspects. 

Begin to thumbnail 30-50 possible design solutions.

Create 10 advanced mockups or sketches, if needed create physical mockups if the design is to more of a physical product like a booklet. Sketches won't really give an accurate representation of how a booklet will look.

Present the mockups in the final crit and take forward the strongest idea and all possible improvements from criticism from peer feedback. If needed look into some more inspiration/influence sources.

Review the final design explaining the concept.

Evaluate the brief and the design process and the final resolution. 

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