Wednesday 9 April 2014

Speaking from experience interim crit & 3 main ideas.

Speaking from experience interim crit & 3 main ideas

For the crit I presented forward my brief and the main 3 ideas that I have arrived at through analyzing the brief and different ways in which I could solve the problem. 

An explanation behind the 3 concept Ideas I have thought of. 
And the mockups of the concepts.

Idea 1

Idea 2
Has various production method possibilities, could be digitally printed on various color stocks, but this would be a more permeant option when information and notes are added.

Blackboard material so chalk can be used a very robust and traditional method that may result in some nice aesthetics. I would print onto the board by screen print or a vinyl sticker.

Or a white board again I could vinyl sticker the design onto it or screen print. 

The only downside of the wall chart is the size and the cost for printing, If i could source cheap white boards or blackboards though it would be a good idea. 

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