Tuesday 8 April 2014

Method of delivery for time management/brief guide idea & thumbnail ideas

Method of delivery for time management/brief guide idea & thumbnail ideas

After thinking of ways the idea of how my interactive calendar system/brief guide idea can be put into a physical outcome I narrowed down to either a booklet, a wall planner or a chart and a CD with an interactive calendar. 

Inspired by my research here are a possible construction solutions for the print based calendar system. 

I began simple working out of how the calendar system will go together, I mentioned how I wanted an interactive kind of system were the student could input there tasks and use the system as a way of prioritizing there time and tasks. 

After some experimentation I decided to split the month into weeks so there will be 52 individual cards within the calendar system. I decided at this stage that making a digital interactive system on a CD would work out too time consuming and complex due to me having no knowledge with digital design the wall chart idea would work out well but to make 60 large scale prints like this would be expensive. I will take these ideas forward into the interim crit though and see if any suggestions on cutting down costs or creating a simple interactive digital system may be suggested.

A quick thumbnail of how the layout and numbering system could work out based on the month september.

I can fit 8 a6 sheets on an a3 page so 7 sheets of A3 will be enough for the week sheets. 

Here a few possible binding methods for the week cards. Spiral bound may work out expensive for 60 items, I will probably go with loose cards in a box or the hot glue bind method I learnt in bookbinding. 

At this stage I am thinking of simple black typography used for the individual calendar sheets giving hints of color through the choice of paper stock used. The box that I am thinking of using the contain the sheets in will be the only thing that includes color elements to keep costs down, a thicker stock will need to be considered to create a sturdy container for the sheets. 

Whats next
Im favoring the calendar in a box idea at the moment so I am going to advance with a few more ideas of 
Now I have worked out how the calendar system will fit together and the content that will be used within the designs I will begin to create the 40 thumbnails to work out a good aesthetic design for the container and the calendar sheets. Along side this I mentioned I wanted to create a guide to splitting up a brief so I will begin to consider this too. 

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