Tuesday 22 April 2014

Speaking from experience interim crit feedback & Week plan

Speaking from experience interim crit feedback & Week plan

After presenting forward my brief and my possible 3 resolutions to my group in the crit. I received a range of feedback on all 3 ideas. 

The idea of doing a digital design outcome based on the interactive calendar system didn't receive very positive feedback, although I expected this as it wasn't a very realistic idea that give much opportunity for interesting design visuals and concepts. Wont be carrying on with this idea. 

The idea of a wall chart based time management system had good feedback, I suggested the idea of a whiteboard. I knew it wouldn't be very cost effective making 60 off these so through discussion I came to the idea of making a Weekplanner wall chart to put up in the studio for everyone to make use of, posting deadlines for briefs on and important deadlines for the whole group so it will benefit everyone rather than individual students. Developing this idea. 

The mockup of the 3D container containing the interactive calendar system/to-do lists was received well, the idea itself was praised but would be very time consuming and expensive making so many physical container with the todo lists contained within. To combat this expense and time consuming aspect of the 3D containers A good suggestion was made to create like a bunting system that could be hung in the studio with a string of todolists for every week from September to the end of May, this would then give students who wanted to use the idea the opportunity to make use of it rather than giving the physical thing out to 60 students and have it thrown away because there not interested in using it. Developing this idea.

So thoughts at present are to experiment with the idea of making a wall planner for the studio for the students to make use of, or the bunting idea were the to-do lists will be hung in the studio for anyone who wants to use them.  

I suggested the idea of a brief breakdown for the students to help them deconstruct a brief and carry it out in a time efficient way. This idea was praised too so I will definitely be carrying this out, so then at least all the students will have something physical to take with them. The wall chart or bunting idea will benefit the studio as a whole rather than individuals. Developing this idea. 

Quick idea of how the bunting could be made.

Suggestions on making the whiteboard were that I could laminate a piece of card, this would give me the opportunity to be more creative in terms of the design of the wall planner. 

Also Declan had a good idea of making a design that could be made into a pinboard, a thought for the back burner would be to incorporate the todolists with the wall chart, allowing all the students to pin the todolists they have filled out onto the wall chart, so instead of doing a week wall chart I would have to do one with the months September - May or maybe to June so I can put in things like final year shows and other important events into the calendar. 

Week plan
This week leading upto the final crit will consist of me:

Tuesday 22nd - Find more visual inspiration for the wall chart idea. 

Wednesday 23rd - Begin making rough visual ideas of the wall chart idea, and the todo lists for the bunting. 

Wednesday 23rd - Make rough visuals for the brief guideline. 

Thursday 24th - Chose the idea that I want to progress (wall chart or todo lists or combine the both somehow) to go alongside the brief guideline.

Thursday/Friday 24th-25th - Progress the visual mockups into digital finals through my design process of advancing from rough thumbnails, to scaled up detailed drawings, to the digital development stage.

Saturday 26th - Print and produce the final idea.

Sunday 27th  - Evaluate the whole brief. 

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